Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
Using illicit drugs or abusing alcohol can cause a variety of health problems and impair your ability to succeed at college and your career. ACC offers programs and activities to help you understand the risks of substance abuse and choose a healthy lifestyle.
- ACC’s District Clinical Counseling Services (DCCS) offer information on drug education and awareness.
- The College sponsors Drug and Alcohol Awareness week each fall to highlight issues related to alcohol and substance abuse.
- ACC’s District Clinical Counseling Services offer workshops about the impact of drug and alcohol use on academic success.
- The college offers an Associate of Applied Science Degree and Certificate in Addictions Counseling and Addictions Counseling in the criminal justice setting. The programs include these credit courses: Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders (DAAC 1319); Substance Abuse Prevention (DAAC 2306); Addicted Family Intervention (DAAC 2307); and Counseling Alcohol and Other Drug Addictions (DAAC 2341).
If you are concerned about your drug or alcohol use…
Any student who has a drug- or alcohol-related problem may call upon the college for help. Each ACC campus has a license professional who can help you address your drug and alcohol use, explore the reasons behind it, and assess whether your use is problematic.
Clinical counselors can also help you find the appropriate counseling and treatment resources if needed. All clinical services at ACC are confidential. For more information about these and other clinical counseling services, visit ACC Mental Health Services.
Resource Documents
A Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program: Maintaining a Drug and Alcohol-Free Healthy Work Environment – (PDF)
DAAPP for Students – A Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program Brochure – (PDF)