Placement of Interns

Administrative Rule
Council: Administrative Services Council
Effective date: 10/28/13

Value Statement

The Austin Community College District (“ACC” or “the College”) supports internships to provide students with the opportunity to gain supervised experience in a college setting. Internships also support the community by making the educational process accessible to promising students and preparing them for work in a college environment.

Administrative Rule

The College will provide internships, at its discretion, for students attending any institution of higher education who are majoring in disciplines related to opportunities at the College, when the internship is required as part of the student’s academic program.


  1. The Chancellor or designee shall approve and assign interns and shall be responsible for negotiations in such placement.
  2. The immediate supervisor shall be responsible for ensuring an internship agreement is executed, the intern is knowledgeable about College policies and procedures, and that the intern works under supervision.

General Guidelines

  1. Any agreement to accept an intern, whether an internal or external student, must be approved by the Chancellor or designee and confirmed in writing in an internship agreement.
  2. Interns must be in an academic program and approved by their college to participate in an intern program.
  3. Positions may be paid or unpaid as determined by the College’s representative/department.
  4. The internship agreement should acknowledge that the intern is not entitled to benefits, is not entitled to workers’ compensation, is not entitled to a job at the end of the internship, and will comply with the College’s policies and procedures.
  5. The intern may not engage in any hazardous job or use any hazardous equipment.
  6. The intern must have an assigned supervisor. The supervisor is responsible for overseeing the intern’s training and communicating with the intern’s advisor.
  7. If the intern drops out of college, the internship will be ended.

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