CIS 2003 - Introduction to C++ and C Programming
Bob Comer, Professor, CIS/CSC

Assignment 2 - Circle Calculations

Read through Chapter 2 in your textbook before starting this assignment.

Write a C++ program that will calculate and print the diameter, circumference, or area of a circle depending on a command entered by the user. The commands are:

If the user enters 'D', 'C', or 'A', your program should input a radius for the circle from the user. Your program should have a loop to allow multiple calculations.

Formulas and constants

     diameter = 2 x radius
     circumference = 2 x pi x radius
     area = pi x radius x radius
     use 3.14159 for pi

Error Checking

Your program should check for invalid commands. If the user enters a command other than 'D', 'C', 'A', or 'E', print an appropriate error message and continue with the next command.

Sample Program Dialog

Your screen dialog should look similar to this (user input is shown in bold). You should format your output to display 2 digits to the right of the decimal point for all floating-point numbers.

Circle Calculations Program

   D - print circle diameter
   C - print circle circumference
   A - print circle area
   E - end the program

Enter a command: C
Enter circle radius:1.5
A circle with radius 1.50 has circumference 9.42.

Enter a command: D
Enter circle radius: 2
A circle with radius 2.00 has diameter 4.00.

Enter a command: E

Program Notes/Hints

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Copyright: Ó1999, 2000 by the Austin Community College
Department of Computer Studies. All rights reserved.
Comments to:
Bob Comer
Last updated: February 1, 1999