The Listserve:

I have created a listserve called iostream for use by my CIS 2003 students. You are all strongly encouraged to subscribe.

A listserve is a mailing list that uses specialized software. Members "join" or subscribe to the list (think about subscribing to a magazine). When a message is mailed to the list, each member of the list receives a copy of the message. (This is compared to a magazine being printed and each subscriber receiving a copy of the magazine.) Questions or comments of general interest to the class should be sent to the listserve. Personal questions (for example, questions about your grades) should be sent directly to the instructor or teaching assistant.

Using the Listserve:

After subscribing to the listserve (see the next section), you can post mail to the listserve using this address:



SUBJECT: Program 4 question - girth?

I don't understand how to calculate the girth in programming assignment 4. I did not understand the formula in the book. Can anybody help?

Thanks, *****


Subscribing to the Listserve:

To subscribe to the listserve you send an email message to the listserve manager:

  1. Be sure you send the mail to
  2. Be sure you turn your signature off (if you have one)
  3. Be sure your message reads exactly like the following:

subscribe iostream your-first-name your-last-name

EXAMPLE - (use your name instead of Rob Wheeler)


SUBJECT: subscribe

subscribe iostream Rob Wheeler


Since you are sending a copy of your message to me, I will see if you tried to subscribe. You should receive a message confirming that you have subscribed. Emergency! If you do not receive confirmation that you subscribed, CHECK YOUR SPELLING! If you have trouble subscribing, I will subscribe for you, but I want you to try first.

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Copyright: Ó 1997 by the Austin Community College.
Department of Computer Studies. All rights reserved.
Comments to:
Bob Comer
Last updated: Jan 15, 1998