COSC 1337 – Programming Fundamentals II
Bob Comer, Professor of Computer Studies

Example Program - Mileage.cpp

// Mileage program
// Programmer: Bob Comer
// Completed : 1/25/2006
// Status    : Complete
// This program computes your mileage for a trip given number of
// gallons of gas used, and starting and ending mileage

#include <iostream>      // input/output declarations
#include <iomanip>       // i/o manupulator declarations
using namespace std;

// function prototypes
float mileage( float startMiles, float endMiles, float gallonsUsed );

int main()
    float startMiles;      // Starting mileage
    float endMiles;        // Ending mileage
    float gallonsUsed;     // Gallons of gas used
    float mpg;             // Computed miles per gallon

//  Set up floating point output format
    cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

//  Get starting and ending mileage, and gallons of gas used
    cout << "Enter starting mileage: ";
    cin  >> startMiles;
    cout << "Enter ending mileage: ";
    cin  >> endMiles;
    cout << "Enter number of gallons of gas used: ";
    cin  >> gallonsUsed;

//  Calculate mileage
    mpg = mileage( startMiles, endMiles, gallonsUsed );

//  Print starting and ending mileage, gallons of gas used,
//  and calculated mileage
    cout << "For a trip with:" << endl;
    cout << "    " << gallonsUsed << " gallons of gas used" << endl;
    cout << "    and a starting mileage of " << startMiles << endl;
    cout << "    and  an ending mileage of " << endMiles << endl;
    cout << "    the mileage per gallon is " << mpg << endl;

    return 0;

// Function mileage
// Purpose: calculates and returns the trip mileage

float mileage( float startMiles,     // In - starting mileage
               float endMiles,       // In - ending mileage
               float gallonsUsed )   // In - gallons of gas used
    float milesTraveled;   // Total miles traveled
    float mpg;             // Computed miles per gallon

//  Calculate mileage
    milesTraveled = endMiles - startMiles;
    mpg = milesTraveled / gallonsUsed;

    return mpg;

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Department of Computer Studies. All rights reserved.
Comments to:
Bob Comer
Last updated: January 12, 2013