COSC 2415 - Data Structures and
ITSE 2445 Data Structures

Bob Comer, Professor of Computer Studies

Program 1 - Binary Representation of Data

Final version (unless I find any typographical errors)

Be sure to read through Chapter 2 of the textbook before starting this assignment. If you are not familiar with binary numbers and the C++ bitwise operators, or you need a review, you should also read "Binary Numbers and Bitwise Operations" in the Course Documents section of the Blackboard site for this class. You can log into Blackboard here:


The object of this assignment is to become more familiar with the representation of character, intetger and floating-point data in computers.

The first thing I want you to do is to write a small C++ program to print the number of bytes in the following C++ data types (use the sizeof( ) operator):

You will need this information to do the rst of the assignment. You do not need to turn this program in. This assignment assumes that the sizes are:

If the results you get are different, please email me with your results as I will need to make some adjustmsnets to the assignment for you.

Create a second program that has the following three functions:

The textbook includes an algorithm for printing the binary representation of a value in Programming Problem Section 2.2 Problem 1 (page 77 in my book). In each function you will need a variable for a mask that is the same data type as the value, except that it should be unsigned. For a data value of n bits:

    initialize the mask variable to 2n - 1 (a 1 followed by all 0's in binary)
    for count running from n - 1 down to 0 do:
        if the bitwise-and (&) of the value and mask is non-zero
            display '1'
            display '0'
        shift the bits in the mask to the right one position (use >>)

To make your output easier to read, print a space after every 4 bits.


  1. The bitwise-and, bitwise-or and bitwise-exclusive or operators have lower precedence than the comparison operators, so:

        value & mask != 0     compares mask to 0, then performs the bitwise-or

    When these operators are used with other operators, you will normally need parentheses:

        (value & mask) != 0

  2. The bitwise operators can only be applied to integral data types (char, short, int, long, and variations of these types). You cannot use them with the float data type. To print the binary representation of a float value, you will need a way to access the float value as if it were an integer. A C++ union will let you access the same memory location as a float or int (assuming they are the same size).

    For example, the following code will print the same memory interpreted as a float and as an integer.

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    union FloatValue
       int intView;
       float floatView;
    int main( )
       FloatValue num;
       cout << "Enter a float value: ";
       cin >> num.floatView;
       cout << "You entered " << num.floatView << endl;
       cout << "If the bit pattern used to represent this value is interpreted"
            << " as an integer, \nthe value is "
            << num.intView << endl;   
       return 0;

Write a small main program (driver) to test your functions. It should be menu-driven. That is, it should look something like:

    print menu
    read user selection
    while user did not select quit option
        if user selected character option
            read a character value
            display the character and its bit pattern
        if user selected short int option
            read a short int value
            display the short int and its bit pattern
        if user selected float option
            read a float value
            display the float and its bit pattern
        print menu
        read user selection
    end while

Program Output

Your output might look similar to the following:

  1 - Print the binary representation of a character
  2 - Print the binary representation of a short integer
  3 - Print the binary representation of a float
  4 - Exit program

Enter your choice: 1

Enter a character: C

The binary representation for C is    : 0100 0011

Enter your choice: 2

Enter a short: 115

The binary representation for 115 is  : 0000 0000 0111 0011

Enter your choice: 2

Enter a short: -115

The binary representation for -115 is : 1111 1111 1000 1101

Enter your choice: 3

Enter a float: 1.115

The binary representation for 1.115 is: 0011 1111 1000 1110 1011 1000 0101 0010


  1. You do not need to write a class for this assignment.
  2. For all programming assignments you need to follow the Program Requirements on this page:

    Program Requirements

    For this assignment only, you can ignore requirements 4 through 9.

  3. I do want you to put your functions in a separate file from your driver program. This will make it easier for me to test your functions with my own main function.
  4. You do not need to include comments with pre and post conditions for the functions that you write. But I do want you to include comments with a description of what the function does before each function. If it is not obvious what a line of code does, include a comment with a short explanation.
  5. For this assignment, I want you to send me a copy of your program output. Print enough information to show that your program is working.
  6. Based on your output, answer the following questions:


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Copyright: Ó2010 by the Austin Community College
Department of Computer Studies. All rights reserved.
Comments to:
Bob Comer
Last updated: August 30, 2010