COSC 2415 - Data Structures and
ITSE 2445 Data Structures

Bob Comer, Professor of Computer Studies

Program 4 - Linked-list Processing

Be sure to read through Chapter 6 of the textbook before starting this assignment.

Below I am providing a portion of the pointer-based linked list class described in Section 6.5 of your textbook (beginning on page 295). Your assignment is to add the following member functions to your class:

void display( ostream & out ) const;
// Display the contents of this List
// Precondition:  ostream out is open
// Postcondition: the items in this List have been output to out
//                on a single line with spaces between them

int find( ElementType value);
// Find the first occurrence of a value in this List
// Preconditions:  None
// Postconditions: The return value is the index of the first List item 
//                 that matches value. The first list item has index 0, 
//                 the second has index 2, etc. 

void reverse( );
// Reverse the order of the elements in this List
// Preconditions:  None
// Postconditions: The order of the elements in this List is reversed

Hint: You may want to use a temporary linked-list in your reverse function. Be sure to free any unused nodes.

Write a driver program to test your function for a linked list of strings. You can use the driver program from Program 2 as a starting point. In the header file, You will need to change the typedef statement for ElementType to string.

Your project should be divided into separate files - a class definition file, a class implementation file, and the client (driver) program.

// List.h


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

typedef int ElementType;

class List
   class Node
      ElementType data;
      Node * next;
      Node( )
      : data( ElementType( ) ), next( NULL )
      { }
      Node( ElementType initData )
      : data( initData ), next( NULL )
      { }
   }; // end of Node class
   typedef Node * NodePointer;
   List( );
   /* Construct a List object

      Precondition: none.
      Postcondition: An empty List object has been constructed.
   List( const List &source );
   /* Construct a copy of a List object.

      Precondition: None. 
      Postcondition: A copy of origList has been constructed.
   ~List( );
   /* Destroys a List object.

     Precondition:  None.
     Postcondition: Any memory allocated to the List object has been freed.
   const List & operator=( const List &rightSide );
   /* Assign a copy of a List object to the current object.

      Precondition: none 
      Postcondition: A copy of rightside has been assigned to this
         object. A constant reference to this list is returned.
   bool List::empty( );
   /* Check if this List is empty

      Precondition: none 
      Postcondition: The return value is true if this List object is empty;
         otherwise the return value is false.
   void insert( ElementType dataVal, int index );
   /* Insert a value into this List at a given index

      Precondition:  there is room in the array (the current size is less than
         the capacity); and the index is valid (the first position is index 0, 
         the second position is index 1, etc. 
      Postcondition: dataval has been inserted into the list at the position
         determined by index (provided there is room and index is a legal
   void erase( int index );
   /* Remove the value from this List at a given index.

      Precondition:  The list is not empty and index is valid 
         (index greater than or equal to 0 and less than the size.
      Postcondition: the element at position index has been
         removed (provided index is a legal position).
   void display( ostream &out );
   // student writes this function

   int find( ElementType value);
   // student writes this function

   void reverse( );
   // student writes this function
   NodePointer first;
   int length;
}; // end of List class

// List.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
#include "List.h"
// Default constructor
List::List( )
: first( NULL ), length( 0 ) 
{ }
// Copy constructor
List::List( const List &source )
   length = source.length;
   first = NULL;
   if ( source.length == 0 )
   List::NodePointer srcPtr, lastPtr;
   // copy first node
   first = new Node( source.first->data );
   lastPtr = first;
   // copy rest of nodes
   srcPtr = source.first->next;
   while ( srcPtr != 0 )
      lastPtr->next = new Node( srcPtr->data );
      srcPtr = srcPtr->next;
      lastPtr = lastPtr->next;
// Destructor
inline List::~List( )
   List::NodePointer prev=first,
   while ( prev != NULL )
      ptr = prev->next;
      delete prev;
      prev = ptr;
// Overloaded assignment operator
const List & List::operator=( const List &rightSide )
   // check for self-assignment 
   if ( this == &rightSide )
      return *this;

   // free all nodes in the list on left-hand side      
   this->~List( );

   // now copy nodes from list on right-hand side 
   // into list on left-hand side
   NodePointer rightPtr, lastPtr;

   length = rightSide.length;
   first = new Node( rightSide.first->data ); 
   lastPtr = first;
   rightPtr = rightSide.first->next;
   while ( rightPtr != NULL )
      lastPtr->next = new Node( rightPtr->data );
      rightPtr = rightPtr->next;
      lastPtr = lastPtr->next;
   return *this;

// Check if this List is empty
bool List::empty( )
   return length == 0;
// Insert a value into this List at a given index
void List::insert( ElementType dataVal, int index )
   assert( index >= 0 && index <= length );
   List::NodePointer newPtr = new Node( dataVal ),
                     predPtr = first;
   if ( index == 0 )
      newPtr->next = first;
      first = newPtr;
      for ( int i = 1; i < index; i++ )
         predPtr = predPtr->next;
      newPtr->next = predPtr->next;
      predPtr->next = newPtr;
// Remove a value from this List at a given index.
void List::erase( int index )
   assert( index >= 0 && index < length );
   List::NodePointer ptr,
                     predPtr = first;
   if ( index == 0 )
      ptr = first;
      first = ptr->next;
      delete ptr;
      for ( int i = 1; i < index; i++ )
         predPtr = predPtr->next;
      ptr = predPtr->next;
      predPtr->next = ptr->next;
      delete ptr;

//void List::display( ostream &out ) { }
// students write this as a member function

// void List::reverse( ) { }
// reverses this List - student writes this function

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Copyright: 2010 by the Austin Community College
Department of Computer Studies. All rights reserved.
Comments to: Bob Comer
Last updated: October 8, 2010

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