ITSE 2445 - Data Structures and
ITSE 2445 Data Structures

Bob Comer, Professor of Computer Studies

Program 5 - Expression Trees

Final version (unless I find typographical errors)

Be sure to read through Chapter 10 of the textbook before starting this assignment.

This assignment is a simplified version of Programming Project 1 at the end of Chapter 10 of the Main and Savitch textbook (pages 529-530). Read the problem from the book first.

To simplify this problem, I created an expr_tree_node class by rewriting the binary_tree_node. For simplicity, I created a class instead of a template.

As described in the book, an expression tree has 2 kinds of nodes. Nonleaf nodes contain an operator and leaf nodes contain a floating-point number. Since all nodes in a binary tree must have the same data type, I chose to make the data in an expression tree node a class with two data members - an operator (char) and a floating-point value (double). This class is called expr_node_data. When you retrieve the data from a node in the expression tree, it is an expr_tree_node object. To retrieve the operator from a non-leaf node pointed to by ptr, use:

ptr->data( ).get_op( )
Likewise, you can use the get_number( ) member function to retrieve the floating-point value from a leaf node.

I am providing code below:

Your assignment is to first try out the code below to be sure that you understand it. Then you only have to implement the recursive evaluate( ) function. You only need to write internal documentation (comments) for the code that you write.

Driver program

// Sample driver program for expression tree class

#include <cstdlib>    // Provides EXIT_SUCCESS
#include <iostream>   // Provides cout, cin, peek, ignore
#include "exprtree.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace expr_tree_10;

int main( )
   expr_tree_node *expr_ptr;

   cout << "Type a fully parenthesized arithmetic expression:" << endl;
   expr_ptr = build( );
   print_expr_tree( expr_ptr, 0 );
   cout << "The value of the expression is " << evaluate( expr_ptr )
        << endl;
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Header file for expression tree classes

// File: exprtree.h

#ifndef EXPRTREE_H
#define EXPRTREE_H
#include <cstdlib>  // Provides NULL and size_t

namespace expr_tree_10

	// class for expression node data
	class expr_node_data
		expr_node_data( )
			op = '\0';
			number = 0.0;
		expr_node_data( char init_op )
			op = init_op;
			number = 0.0;
		expr_node_data( double init_num )
			op = '\0';
			number = init_num;
		void set_op( char new_op )
			op = new_op;
			number = 0.0;
		void set_number( double new_num )
			number = new_num;
			op = '\0';
		char get_op( ) const { return op; }
		double get_number( ) const { return number; }
		char op;
		double number;

    class expr_tree_node
	typedef expr_node_data value_type;
	    const value_type& init_data = value_type( ),
	    expr_tree_node* init_left = NULL,
	    expr_tree_node* init_right = NULL
      	    data_field = init_data; 
	    left_field = init_left; 
	    right_field = init_right;
	value_type& data( ) { return data_field; }
	expr_tree_node*& left( ) { return left_field; }
	expr_tree_node*& right( ) { return right_field; }
	void set_data(const value_type& new_data) { data_field = new_data; }
	void set_left(expr_tree_node* new_left) { left_field = new_left; }
	void set_right(expr_tree_node* new_right) { right_field = new_right; }
	const value_type& data( ) const { return data_field; }
	const expr_tree_node* left( ) const { return left_field; }
	const expr_tree_node* right( ) const { return right_field; }
	bool is_leaf( ) const 
	    { return (left_field == NULL) && (right_field == NULL); }
	value_type data_field;
	expr_tree_node *left_field;
	expr_tree_node *right_field;

 // NON-MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the expr_tree_node:
    template <class Process, class BTNode>
    void inorder(Process f, BTNode* node_ptr); 

    template <class Process, class BTNode>
    void preorder(Process f, BTNode* node_ptr);

    template <class Process, class BTNode>
    void postorder(Process f, BTNode* node_ptr); 

    void print_expr_tree(expr_tree_node* node_ptr, int depth);

    void tree_clear(expr_tree_node*& root_ptr);

    expr_tree_node* tree_copy(const expr_tree_node* root_ptr);

    size_t tree_size(const expr_tree_node* node_ptr);
    expr_tree_node* build( );
    double evaluate( const expr_tree_node* root_ptr );


Implementation file for expression tree classes

// FILE: exprtree.cpp
#include <cassert>    // Provides assert
#include <cstdlib>    // Provides NULL, size_t
#include <iomanip>    // Provides std::setw
#include <iostream>   // Provides std::cout
#include <stack>
#include "exprtree.h"
using namespace std;
namespace expr_tree_10
    template <class Process, class BTNode>
    void inorder(Process f, BTNode* node_ptr)
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
        if (node_ptr != NULL)
            inorder(f, node_ptr->left( ));
            f( node_ptr->data( ) );
            inorder(f, node_ptr->right( ));

    template <class Process, class BTNode>
    void postorder(Process f, BTNode* node_ptr)
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
        if (node_ptr != NULL)
            postorder(f, node_ptr->left( ));
            postorder(f, node_ptr->right( ));
            f(node_ptr->data( ));

    template <class Process, class BTNode>
    void preorder(Process f, BTNode* node_ptr)
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
        if (node_ptr != NULL)
            f( node_ptr->data( ) );
            preorder(f, node_ptr->left( ));
            preorder(f, node_ptr->right( ));

    void print_expr_tree( expr_tree_node* node_ptr, int depth )
    // Library facilities used: iomanip, iostream, stdlib
        if (node_ptr != NULL)
            print_expr_tree(node_ptr->right( ), depth+1);
            std::cout << std::setw(4*depth) << ""; // Indent 4*depth spaces
            if ( node_ptr->is_leaf( ) )
                std::cout << node_ptr->data( ).get_number( ) << std::endl;
                std::cout << node_ptr->data( ).get_op( ) << std::endl;
            print_expr_tree(node_ptr->left( ),  depth+1);
    void tree_clear(expr_tree_node*& root_ptr)
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
	if (root_ptr != NULL)
	    tree_clear( root_ptr->left( ) );
	    tree_clear( root_ptr->right( ) );
	    delete root_ptr;
	    root_ptr = NULL;

    expr_tree_node* tree_copy(const expr_tree_node* root_ptr)
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
	expr_tree_node *l_ptr;
	expr_tree_node *r_ptr;

	if (root_ptr == NULL)
	    return NULL;
	    l_ptr = tree_copy( root_ptr->left( ) );
	    r_ptr = tree_copy( root_ptr->right( ) );
		new expr_tree_node( root_ptr->data( ), l_ptr, r_ptr);

    size_t tree_size(const expr_tree_node* node_ptr)
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
        if (node_ptr == NULL)
            return 0;
	    1 + tree_size(node_ptr->left( )) + tree_size(node_ptr->right( ));
    // Non-member function evaluate
    // Precondition: root_ptr points to an expression tree with at least one node
    // Postcondition: the return value is the value of the expression tree.

    double evaluate( const expr_tree_node* root_ptr )
        // evaluate code goes here

    expr_tree_node* build( )
    // Library facilities used: iostream, stack
        const char DECIMAL = '.';
        const char RIGHT_PARENTHESIS = ')';
        stack<expr_tree_node *> nodes;
        stack<char> operations;
        double num;
        expr_node_data data;
        char ch;
        expr_tree_node *left_operand, *right_operand;
        while ( cin.peek( ) != '\n' ) 
            if (isdigit(cin.peek( )) || (cin.peek( ) == DECIMAL))
            // process a numeric value
                cin >> num;
                data.set_number( num );
                nodes.push( new expr_tree_node( data ) );
            else if (strchr("+-/*", cin.peek( )) != NULL)
                cin >> ch;
                operations.push( ch );
            else if ( cin.peek( ) == RIGHT_PARENTHESIS)
                cin.ignore( );
                right_operand = );
                nodes.pop( );
                left_operand = );
                nodes.pop( );
                data.set_op( ));
                    new expr_tree_node( data, left_operand, right_operand ) );
                operations.pop( );
                cin.ignore( );

        return );
