ITSE 2445 - Data Structures and
ITSE 2445 Data Structures
Bob Comer, Professor of Computer Studies

Data Structures

General Program Requirements - Documentation and Style

1. The driver program for each programming project should begin with "header comments" containing:

For example:

// Programmer: Bob Comer

// Project Number: 1

// Project Desc: Quadratic Equations

// Course: Data Structures

// Date: Jan. 29, 2004

2. Use a standard indentation convention in your code (see examples in textbook).

3. Use meaningful variable names.

3. Each project should be divided into separate files: the class header file(s), the class implementation file(s), and the client (driver) program file. The class implementation file(s) and the client program file should be compiled separately. Your header filename should have an extension of ".h". The accompanying implementation filename should have the same name and an extension of ".cpp".

Do not include code in your class header file. The definitions for the class member functions should be in the implementation file. See page 55.

Your header file should include documentation (comments) to describe your class. Include preconditions and postconditions for each function. Use assert statements in your functions to check the preconditions. See description and example of a header file on pages 50-51.

The driver program file should contain the main function and any accompanying functions. Include any needed compiler directives and the header file(s), but do not include the implementation file. See example on page 58.

Only minimal documentation (comments) is needed for the implementation file and the driver program.

Program Input

Data should not be hard coded in your program (except for constants). Your program input should come from the keyboard or from an input file. This should make it easier to test your program.

Program Output
