CPPPS Director, Peck Young

Peck Young; photo by Kelly Young

Peck Young joins ACC as its Director of the Center for Public Policy and Political Studies (CPPPS) after working for 30 years as one of Texas' most sought after political campaign strategists. Either as an independent consultant, or under the umbrella of Emory, Young & Associates, Inc., or Riemer, Kaplan, Duncan and Young, Young's long list of clients and advisees included: Governor Ann Richards, Comptroller John Sharp, Supreme Court Justice Bob Gammage, Michael Dukakis & Bill Bradley campaigns for President in Texas, US Congressmen Nick Lampson and Ralph Hall, numerous former US Congressmen -Bill Patman, Jim Chapman, Max Sandlin, State Senators Leticia Van de Putte, Carlos F. Truan, Gonzalo Barrientos, Greg Luna and David Bernsen, the Clinton/Gore campaign for President in Texas, and all the mayors of Austin from 1975 until 1997. In 2011-2012 Peck served as the volunteer consultant for the Austinites for Geographic Representation. This broad based Citywide coalition wrote, placed on the Austin City ballot and then conducted the successful City wide campaign that changed Austin's Council election system to 10 districts and the mayor at large from an all at-large election system. This change which passed by 60%, revised a system over a century old made and Austin the last major city of its size to adopt geographic representation in the nation.

In addition, besides being the draftsman for both of Austin's first Ethics, Financial Disclosure and Lobby Registration Ordinances, and the ordinance creating the Austin Electric Utility Commission, Young is also pleased to have been the author of Austin's first Solar and Renewable Power Policy Resolution, co-author of Austin's "Proposal 7" Inverted Block Electric Rate, and co-sponsor of Austin's original Conservation Power Plant Policy. Some of the special honors Young has received are: being mentioned in Who's Who in Leading American Executives for the years 1993-94 and 2000-2001; being a six-time winner of the American Association of Political Consultants "Pollie" Award for outstanding print material; and being a member of the Pi Sigma Alpha, Honorary Political Science Fraternity. But perhaps Peck Young's favorite accomplishments are being the husband of Patty Anne Young, and the father of Erin and Kelly.

Young holds a Master of Public Affairs, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin, and a Bachelor of Arts (Cum Laude with Special Honors in Government), The University of Texas at Austin.