US History I

An Interpretive History of Life in America, 1492-1877

Exam Review

UNIT 2 EXAM:  “Building a Nation” -- 1763-1840

Multiple Choice -- 40%  [NOTE:  See quizzes and notes for lecture and textbook subjects.]

Essay -- 60%

Answer one (1) of the following questions with an extended essay that draws upon class lectures and assigned readings.  Be sure to answer all parts of the question you select.

[NOTE:  On your examination, you will have two choices from which you will select one.]

1. How did English political ideology shape politics in America between 1763-1815?
    [HINT:  Define the “organic” view of society, politics, and history.]

 Address each of the following questions with at least one paragraph for each as you answer the question above.  

Be sure to give examples.  Remember to define your terms.
2. Did a “contagion of liberty” change life in America between 1763-1815?
    [HINT:  Explain the political language of slavery, tyranny, and freedom.]

Address each of the following questions with at least one paragraph for each as you answer the question above.  





3. Did the Revolutionary War cause a shift in American society from “social expectation” to “self-interest” between 1763-1815?
    [HINT:  Explain social relations during the colonial period.]

Address each of the following questions with at least one paragraph for each as you answer the question above.  

4. Why did “republicanism” become so important to politics in America between 1763-1815?
    [HINT:  Define “republicanism.”]

Address each of the following questions with at least one paragraph for each as you answer the question above.  

5. How did the Revolutionary War change the middle ground between 1763-1815?
    [HINT:  Explain the Americans desire for land.]

Address each of the following questions with at least one paragraph for each as you answer the question above.  

NOTE:  Use your Blue Book to write your essay.  Material written on the test sheet will NOT be considered.  Stay cool and keep moving.

© David Marcus Lauderback, 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED