AHA-OAH Statement on Dual Enrollment/Concurrent Enrollment 2016

Joint AHA-OAH Statement on Dual Enrollment/Concurrent Enrollment (2016)


The AHA recommends that universities and colleges to strive to improve history education in which professors and teachers share resources and ideas, and that academic history departments have greater oversight of curriculum and instruction of DE/CE. Departments offering DE/CE must continually ensure that the institutions, schools, and departments maintain communication to ensure a college-level class is being offered, that assessments are completed, and that proper funding and oversight is maintained. To meet the standards of the American Historical Association (AHA),


Colleges and Universities Must:

·              Share data, recruitment, and retention information of DE/CE students with history departments

·              Administer the programs in keeping with the best practices as recognized by the profession and the college or university history department that oversees the program

·              Protect the academic freedom of teachers teaching DE/CE courses, including the teaching and study of difficult, sensitive, and controversial subjects that are considered in college history courses

·              Provide academic departments with proper funding and support to oversee and administer the courses taught in high schools, including compensation for the department member(s) responsible for DE/CE oversight and mentorship

·              Respect the decisions of the history department in regards to credentials, hiring, and syllabi of teachers

·              Maintain the academic integrity of the history department-courses taught in high schools must have the same course numbers, titles, designations, and credit as equivalent courses in college or university departments

·              Offer teachers in DE/CE with opportunities to continue their education in the fields that they are teaching

·              Organize workshops and orientations for host departments, professors, and teachers

·              Offer and support teacher and student access to library and university resources needed to teach a class


College and University History Faculty Must:

·              Annually review and approve the teachers, syllabi, and courses to ensure that these meet the academic standards of the department

·              Promote ongoing trainings and support for teachers to ensure best practices in course curriculum, assessment, and pedagogy

·              Provide annual professional development for teachers and professors to promote collegiality and to address course content and historiographical shifts, course delivery tools and platforms, and evaluation and assessment procedures


High School Principals and Districts Must:

·              Ensure that teachers are given ample time to attend workshops and events at the partner colleges and universities

·              Recognize and acknowledge that teachers must have academic freedom to teach college-level classes

·              Provide adequate planning to ensure that teachers have sections or classes that are designated college level

·              Designate sections of history classes that are exclusively for dual enrollment students-students may not gain DE credit by simply taking a history class and paying tuition

·              Respect the decisions of the hosting college or university academic department regarding hiring, syllabi, and teaching methods


DE/CE Teachers Must:

·              Annually submit their syllabi and teaching plans to the host department for  approval

·              Follow, complete, and submit assessment materials that are required by the partnering college or university department

Have a master's degree or at least 18 graduate credit hours in hi