Illusion of Motion


Create a composition which creates the illusion of motion across a field of vision.
Use a photocopied image of a chosen object and with the use of pen, brush and ink make the object appear to move across the field of view. Use repeated images, blurring,
value changes or other means to animate the chosen object.
Use the format as an integral part of your composition - not as a container for the "action". Try to make the format as much a part of implying movement as the object itself.
The drawn (pen, ink, wash) elements and the collage elements should be as seamless as possible with no obvious differences in the media.

Format: 8 x 18


Glue stick xacto knife pencil photo copies pen/brush/ink


Search for a suitable image and carefully cut out .

Photo copy the image unless it is already black and white and correct the scale.

No color images - black and white only

Photo copies may be used to shrink, enlarge or distort your image to be cut and pasted on paper.

Use a glue stick to paste to an 5 x 15" format.

With ink (pen or brush) use repetition, blurred lines, or multiple images to create the illusion of motion

Marcel Duchamp: "Nude Descending a Staircase"
Edward Muybridge: His two volumes of photographic documentation of human and animal locomotion ( pre motion Pictures)

ACC Art Department Update: 8/26/2002
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