Rhythm - Repetition - Music

Asymmetrical Design using rhythm and repetition / Inspired by Music


Create an asymmetrical composition using :
Rhythm -repetition stippling
Weighted line cross hatching
Organic shape
Geometric shape

Using pen and ink in a rectangular format - 7x15" of three panels (5 x7" each)
Create a composition which compliments (reminds us of - or would be the rhythm of the music you have chosen if it were presented visually) .
Each of the 3 panels must relate to one another and to the music but must not be identical. The panels may relate in a linear manner - changing as the music changes or may be a complete unit that evokes the overall mood or tone of the music.

You must use a combination of organic and geometric shapes,and weighted line.

Use repeated shapes, spaces and lines to create a sense of rhythm in the composition.

DO NOT use realistic subject matter. The shapes and forms may be symbolic and abstract.
Do not illustrate the lyrics of the song.
Be conscious of the use of positive and negative space to give the viewer active and passive components of the design.
Use the format in an innovative way that is a part of the design rather than just a frame.
Use the techniques of cross hatching and stippling to indicate all the different values in your design.


Pencil (2b) rapidograph (black ink)
Drawing pad ruler
Triangle masking tape


Determine your format and and basic design ideas using "thumbnail sketches.
This is always the first step in reaching a final design.
Remember the composition must use asymmetrical balance. White space or negative space is just as important to a composition as the black or positive space.
Critically evaluate your first sketches and combine your best ideas for the final product.
Start your final design by lightly sketching it in pencil first - you can erase any mistakes. The final composition will done in ink - mistakes cannot be erased - be careful of ink "bleeding" under straight edges or rulers - the lines should be sharp.

Design 1

Due next class meeting:

Draw 2 - 5 inch squares.
Draw a second square 4" in diameter inside the original 5" square
" " third " 3" " " " " 4" square
" " fourth " 2" " " " " 3" "

You will have two square formats with square within squares.

Use stippling to indicate a value change - with the center square being the darkest and the outer most square being the lightest.

Use cross hatching in the second square format in the same manner.


updated: 8/24/02