Explore the design possibilities of various implied and actual textures using geometric patterns.
Project 1- collect photos from magazines of various contrasting textures
(rough - smooth, sharp - blunt, shiny - dull, soft - coarse, etc… )
Apply in a symmetrical geometric pattern design.
The pattern should be recognized as one that could be repeated infinitely - not enclosed by the border of the format used.

Project 2 - collect objects that possess contrasting textures
(Sand paper - aluminum foil, feather, hair- steel wool, corrugated cardboard - shiny smooth plastic, wire screen - silk scarf, plywood veneer - tile, tree bark - marble
Create a simple geometric pattern that emphasizes the difference in surface qualities of the objects you have chosen.

This project will require a rigid support of stiff board - foam core, thick card board, masonite or plywood would be suitable. Foam core and cardboard can be cut with a mat knife. A hot glue gun and glue will be available in class for attaching items that may be particularly heavy. White elmers glue or wood glue is reqiured for items that may not be as heavy. Glue sticks are suitable only for light paper items.

Project 3 -
Create a design by using a method known as "Frottage". This is a process done by applying a sheet of paper over a texture and simply rubbing a pencil, conte, charcoal etc. over the object and transferring the texture to the paper. You will apply these "rubbings" in a symmetrical geometric pattern. Use the textural objects you have found plus others such as the wall, sidewalk , various tiles, found wood grains, etc… you can even use the slightly raised paper surface of the first part of this project.

FORMAT : 8 x 13 " The rectangle size creates what is known as the " golden rectangle" which is said to be one of the most pleasing of rectangular shapes. It is found in man made items such as the Parthenon in Greece as well as in natural shapes such as the Nautilus shell. The "golden ratio" of length a to b is 1.618 0r can be found in the sequence of numbers 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34, to infinity… the addition of two numbers will give you the third number. You may use larger rectangles but they must be in this ratio.


tape - glue stick - xacto knife collage material - card board or stiff support, elmers glue


Determine your geometric pattern first. 3 patterns - one for each project. They may be similar but they must not be identical. A pattern is any series of shapes that predictably repeat themselves.

ACC Art Department Update: 8/11/2002
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