Crunch-It instructions

These examples show how to use CrunchIt within StatsPortal. They are from the 5th edition of Basic Practice of Statistics.

  1. Introduction and Graphs, Part 1. This give more detailed introductory information than the other parts here. It shows how to make a histogram of one variable and mentions dotplots and stemplots.
  2. Graphs, Part 2. This shows how to make a histogram of one variable where the data file has data on several different groups in one column.
  3. Graphs, supplement. This shows how to use the applet (One-variable statistical calculator) to easily compare several histograms of the same data set where the bin size differs. It is useful for seeing how the overall shape of a distribution shows no matter how few or many bins are used, within a reasonable range, such as 6 to 20 bins.
  4. Numerical Summaries, Part 1. This shows how to compute numerical summaries - mean, median, standard deviation, etc.
  5. Numerical Summaries, Part 2. This shows how to compute numerical summaries of data on one variable where the data file has several different groups in one column.

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