ACC SWOT Procedures/ Processes and Scheduling

As part of the overall review of the program or unit, it is suggested that the following actions be taken prior to conducting the program’s/unit’s SWOT session. This will help maximize the benefits of the SWOT session and analysis.

Data must be used as part of the SWOT session and analysis

I.Collect and review data to be used in SWOT discussion.

Prior to SWOT session – To allow time to review data, it is recommended that the data be provided to participants AND facilitator no later than 2-3 weeks prior to the SWOT session.

SSR data should be identified and related to the unit’s mission and purpose

a.The unit’s mission statement or purpose should be used as a basis/guide for selecting the appropriate data to review.

b.Examples of data could include:

  1. Point-of-Service Surveys
  2. Departmental Performance Metrics
  3. CAS Standards Metrics
  4. Scheduling Data
  5. Time Served Data
  6. Benchmark Data

SWOT sessions are between 3 and 4 hours long.

II.Scheduling the SWOT

Signing up for an appointment slot: You must submit data / service request to OIRA.  OIRA does not reserve rooms

What is a SWOT?

A SWOT analysis is a planning tool that, when used properly, provides an overall view of the most important factors influencing the future of the program. The SWOT analysis is the foundation for a reflective self-assessment of how your unit is performing its mission. The SWOT analysis results form the basis for developing recommendations and action plans, also known as Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs). These recommendations and action plans take into consideration many different internal and external factors that maximize the potential of the program’s strengths and opportunities, while minimizing the impact of its weaknesses and threats. This approach can help ensure efficient use of resources to provide beneficial program outcomes. A SWOT analysis enables proactive thinking rather than habitual or instinctive reactions.

A SWOT analysis is one of several tools for assessment and planning at Austin Community College. This manual is meant to help understand the general SWOT analysis process, as well as provide detailed guidance for a organizing and conducting a SWOT analysis.

How are the Results of a SWOT Analysis Used?

A SWOT analysis is a subjective assessment of data that is organized into a four- dimensional SWOT matrix, similar to a basic two-heading list of pros and cons.

(what the unit does very
well internally)
(where functions are performed internally less than preferred)
(potentially favorable external conditions for the unit)

S&O: Pursue opportunities that are a good fit with the program’s strengths.

W-O: Overcome weaknesses to pursue opportunities
(potentially unfavorable external conditions for the unit)

S-T:  Identify ways the program can use its strengths to reduce its vulnerability to external threats.

W-T:  Establish a defensive plan to prevent the program’s weaknesses from making it highly susceptible to external threats.

To develop initiatives (strategies) that take into account the SWOT profile, unit members can translate the four lists into a matrix (see above) that associates strengths (maintain, build and leverage), opportunities (prioritize and optimize), weaknesses (remedy), and threats (counter) into actions that can be agreed and owned by the unit.