Unit I Part B

Click on the correct answers, then click on "Send".

1 The last portion of the "Lower 48" of the US settled was
the Great Plains
the Appalachians
the Rockies
the east coast
the west coast

2 Factors that discouraged settlement on the Great Plains included
There was little water for agriculture.
There was a lack of trees that seemed to indicate infertile soil.
MAJ Stephen Long called it "The Great American Desert" on the official government maps.
There were hostile and very mobile Indians to harass settlers.
All of the answers are correct.

3 The Indians of the Great Plains
were nomadic
followed the buffalo that provided them with food, clothing, shelter & fuel
were mounted on horses & were fierce fighters
all of the above answers are correct.
Only "A" & "C" are correct.

4 The US Government concentration policy for the Indians in 1851
allowed them to roam all over the west
concentrated the Indians east of the Mississippi River
exiled all the Indians to Indian Territory
limited the Indians to smaller areas where whites did not wish to go
All of the answers are correct.

5 The US Government's new Indian policy after 1867
placed the Indians on smaller reservations
segregated the Indians in isolated areas
pushed all Indians west of the Mississippi River
All of the above answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

6 Grant's Peace Policy
put the US Army in charge of the Indians in peace time
put the Interior Department in charge of all the Indians in wartime
let religious denominations administer some of the Indian reservations
sent all of the Indians west of the Mississippi River
All of the answers are correct.

7 The Dawes Act of 1887
divided Indian reservations into individual Indian family holdings
compromised the authority of the tribal chief since Indian families held the land individually & did not need to obey the chief
made it easier for swindlers to take land from the Indians
All of the above answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

8 Gold & silver rushes occurred in all the following areas EXCEPT
California in the 1840's & 1850's
Nevada in the 1850's & 1860's
Colorado, Idaho & Arizona in the 1860's & 1870's
the Dakotas in the 1870's
Texas in the 1880's

9 The biggest single silver bonanza was
the Black Hills in South Dakota in 1876
the Sacramento River Valley in California in the 1850's
the Comstock Strike in Nevada in the 1860's & 1870's
the Gila River Strike in Arizona in the 1870's
None of these answers is correct.

10 Law & order was maintained in the mining towns of the west by
the Texas Rangers
U.S. Marshals
the Department of Homeland Security
the FBI

11 There was a cattleman's bonanza in the west due to
The original cattle belonged to no one & were free for the taking.
There was plenty of free grass for the cattle to graze on without having to own land.
There was plenty of free water available.
The cattle could be driven to the railhead for free without any transportation fees.
All of the answers are correct.

12 In the west, he railroad
connected the free cattle of south Texas with the markets of the Midwest
gradually replaced the cattle drive as the railroad expanded to the grazing areas
decreased the demand for cattle due to very high transportation costs
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

13 Cattlemen's Associations functioned as
marketing tools to get a higher price for cattle
law & order organizations to stop rustlers
religious organizations to bring the Gospel to isolated ranchers
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

14 Open-range cattle grazing ended due to
railroads came to ranches nullifying the need for cattle drives
farmers came out west & planted in the areas
barbed wire gave farmers a way to keep cattle & buffalo out of their fields
All of the above answers are correct
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

15 The Homestead Law
was written by Rep. Galusha Grow (R-PA) & passed by Congress in 1862
gave 160 acres of land to settlers who improved it, lived on it for five years & paid a $10 surveying fee
moved settlers on to land to make them economically independent if all worked out well
All of the above answers are correct
Only "A" & "C" are correct.

16 The Homestead Act failed to achieve all that it promised because
There was no defense against land speculators.
It failed to provide capital so a settler had to mortgage the land for animals & seeds.
In some geologically-poorer portions of the country, 160 acres were not sufficient to support a farm family.
In certain areas, a cash crop that could be grown in the area had not yet been found.
All of the answers are correct.

17 The largest governmental land grants went to
None of these answers is correct.

18 Railroads encouraged western settlement by
advertising the availability of the land to perspective settlers in Europe
carrying immigrants from the east coast to the west for a relatively cheap fare
selling land to immigrants for rather low prices
All of the answers are correct.
Only "B" & "C" are correct.

19 The state associated with "Boomers" & "Sooners" is

20 Discoveries that helped western farmers settle and become successful included
barbed wire
irrigation of arid regions & dry farming
new strains of wheat from the Ukraine
agricultural machinery (reaper, twine binder, etc.)
All of the answers are correct.

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