Unit II Part A

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1 The advocates of "Continentalism" thought
The US should send its democracy & Christianity to all the continents of the world.
The US should have naval stations on all the continents of the world.
The US Army needed bases on all the continents of the world.
The US should not expand beyond the boundaries of the continent of North America.
All of the answers are correct.

2 The supporters of "Continentalism" included all of the following EXCEPT
racists who did not want any more non-white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant settlers in the US.
people, especially white southerners, who had a fear of a large standing army needed for a world-wide empire
advocates of a low cost, low taxing government
imperialists who sought overseas markets

3 In the mid 19th century, American national security from foreign attack rested on
broad oceans on the east & west
militarily weak neighbors both north & south
a large modern army ready to defeat any potential aggressor
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

4 In the first Cleveland Administration in 1889, the US almost came into a conflict with Britain & Germany over

5 Factors that led to the new imperialist spirit in the US during the late 1880's & 1890's included
The South was redeemed & the West was settled freeing those citizens to look overseas.
There was a big need for overseas markets for US industrial goods.
The European example of the carving up of Africa convinced Americans they should have an empire too.
The concept of Manifest Destiny & the creation of the a new modern US Navy led to imperialism.
All of these answers are correct.

6 The most important economic factor in the drive for expansion was
the need for overseas markets for US manufactured products
a desire to match British exports
a high protective tariff to keep out British imports
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

7 "Jingoism" was
a warlike-patriotism for expansion
a movement for journalistic integrity & accuracy in newspaper reporting
a movement to civilize the Indians
a football rivalry between UT & OU
All of the answers are correct.

8 The resolution of the British/Venezuelan boundary dispute in 1895 was ended by
arbitration by the German Kaiser after the US said it backed Venezuela
a war between Britain & Venezuela
a war between Germany, which backed Venezuela, & Britain
Teddy Roosevelt's "big stick" ended the controversy.
None of these answers is correct.

9 Hawaii interested the US in the late 1880's & 1890's primarily because of its
sugar production
pineapple production
strategic location as a military base
strategic location as a naval base
All of the answers are correct.

10 The US went to war with Spain because
There was a US perception of Spanish misrule in Cuba.
Yellow Journalists sensationalized the situation in Cuba.
The battleship "Maine" exploded in Havana harbor
The US maneuvered Spain into declaring war on the US after declaring a naval blockade of Cuba
All of the answers are correct.

11 The most impressive aspect of the Spanish American War in the Pacific was
COMMO George Dewey's stunning victory in Manila Bay that gave the US control of the Pacific over Spain.
LTC Theodore Roosevelt's charge up San Juan Hill that opened up Santiago.
LTG Nelson Miles hard fought campaign to conquer Puerto Rico.
LTG Gary Gallagher's magnificent charge at Cedar Creek to rout the Spanish from Virginia once & for all times.
All of the answers are correct.

12 The greatest American casualties in the Spanish American War were caused by
brilliant Spanish ground tactics
rotten food
tropical diseases
Only "A" & "B" are correct.
Only "B" & "C" are correct.

13 The US conquests of the Spanish American War that were incorporated formally into a new American Empire included all of the following EXCEPT
Puerto Rico
the Philippines

14 President McKinley officially said the US needed to retain the Philippines to
civilize & Christianize the natives
keep a reliable source of sugar
prevent the Germans from seizing the islands
prevent the Japanese from seizing the islands
All of the answers are correct.

15 The results of the peace treaty on 1898 that ended the Spanish American War gave to the US
Puerto Rico
the Philippines
the right to intervene in Cuban internal affairs under the Platt Amendment
All of the answers are correct.

16 The campaign in the Philippines after 1898
was a very nasty guerrilla war
was fought against Filipino natives who desired independence for the their country
was fought against forces led by Emilio Aguinaldo
ended when the US captured Aguinaldo & bribed the leaders of the revolt to quit
All of the answers are correct.

17 The Platt Amendment
gave the US the right to intervene in the Philippines
gave the US the right to intervene in an independent Cuba
gave the US the right to intervene in Panama
gave the US the right to intervene in Guam
None of these answers is correct.

18 Secretary of State John Hays' "Open Door" policy applied to allowing US trade inside
the Philippines
All of these answers are correct.

19 The Boxer Revolt in China in 1900
was a revolt by Chinese nationalists desiring to rid China of foreign occupation
got its name because many of the poorly-armed Chinese used martial arts
was destroyed by a multi-national force (including US Marines) that rescued foreigners beseiged in Peking
ended with a much weaker China
All of these answers are correct.

20 The results of the presidential election of 1900 showed
Republican William McKinley was re-elected over Democrat William Jennings Bryan
The US voters rewarded McKinley prosperity.
The US voters were proud of a new empire & disagreed with Bryan's anti-imperialism.
All of these answers are correct.
Only "A" & "C" are correct.

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