Unit III Part C

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1 In the 1930's the foreign policy supported by most Americans was
intervention in Europe
intervention in Europe & intervention in Asia
isolationism in Europe but intervention in Europe
isolationism throughout the world
isolationism in Latin America & intervention in Asia

2 FDR in his views on foreign policy was a disciple of
Woodrow Wilson
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Hiram Johnson
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

3 The US position at the Montevideo Conference in 1933 was
US nonintervention in Latin American internal affairs
a virtue made out of necessity since the depression precluded US involvement in Latin America
improved relations with Latin America
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

4 FDR's ideas on foreign trade included
lower tariffs
broad multi-national treaties
bilateral executive agreements
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "C" are correct.

5 The US officially recognized the Communist government of the USSR in 1933
to pick up American Communist votes
to serve as an market for American agricultural exports
to prevent the take over by Joseph Stalin
to assist the White Russians fighting Joseph Stalin
All of the answers are correct.

6 The Nye Committee hearings in 1934
blamed the beginning of World War I on the munitions makers of the world
popularized the "Merchants of Death" theory
showed the strength of isolationist sentiment in the US
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

7 FDR showed his disapproval of Italy's invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 by
declaring war on Italy
seizing Italian financial assets in the US
calling for a voluntary restrictions on exports to Italy
doing absolutely nothing due to isolationist sentiment in the US
Only "B" & "C" are correct.

8 The US attitude toward Japan's invasion of China included
no strong measures against Japan immediately
waiting for a build up of the US Navy with the Vinson-Trammel Act
a true disinterest on the part of FDR
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

9 FDR's Quarantine Speech in 1937
called for all out war against Japan & Italy
called for war against Germany
called for severing US trade with aggressor nations
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "C"are correct.

10 FDR's Quaratine policy failed because
It went counter to the isolationist sentiment of most Americans.
The Republicans blocked legislation in the US Senate.
The Republicans blocked legislation in the House of Representatives.
The Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional.
None of these answers is correct.

11 FDR's reaction to the outbreak of World War II in Europe in September 1939 included
a US repeal of the embargo of war goods
a shift to a "cash & carry" policy
overt US aid to Italy
All of these answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

12 The results of the German "Blitzkrieg" of 1939-1940 included all EXCEPT
The first integrated use of tanks & airpower in warfare.
France surrendered to Germany in 1940.
Winston Churchill replaced Neville Chamberlain as British Prime Minister.
US public opinion was more pro-British.
All of the answers are correct.

13 Republican candidate Wendell Wilkie's foreign policy views in the presidential election of 1940
were isolationist
were interventionist
Since they were the same as FDR's, it prevented a foreign policy debate in the election.
Only "A" & "C" are correct.
Only "B" & "C" are correct.

14 The 1940 agreement between FDR & Churchill
provided the Royal Navy with 50 old US destroyers to fight German u-boats
gave the US bases in British western hemisphere possessions to defend the Panama Canal
was repealed by an isolationist Congress
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

15 The foreign policy attitudes of most Americans in 1940-41 favored
complete isolationism
limited aid to the USSR
aid to the Allies short of US involvement in the war
unlimited aid to Italy
limited aid to Germany

16 FDR stretched his war making powers in 1941 by
sending the USMC into Greenland
sending the USMC into Iceland
sending the USMC into Britain
sending the USMC into Mexico
sending the USMC into Canada

17 Those Americans who supported isolationism stronger & longer than most were
Irish Republicans
Midwestern Republicans
California Democrats
Southern Democrats
Southern Republicans

18 The terms of the Atlantic Charter
were an agreement of the principles for which the US & Great Britain would fight in World War II
were agreed upon even while the US claimed to be neutral before it was involved in fighting World War II
were generally a restatement of Wilson's principles
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "C" are correct.

19 US-Japanese relations worsened in the late 1930's & early 1940's when
Japan invaded central China.
Japan invaded French Indochina.
Japan formally joined the Axis with Germany & Italy.
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

20 World War II officially started for the US when
Japan launched a sneak attack on the Pacific Fleet at Pearl harbor, T.H.
The Japanese attack untied the US like it had never been united before.
The US resolved they would beat Japan whatever the cost.
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "C" are correct.

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