Unit IV Part C

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1 Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty
ended poverty in the US
reduced the number of Americans living below the poverty line
enjoyed wide bipartisan support
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" &"C" are correct.

2 Lyndon Johnson's civil rights initiatives included
the Civil Rights Act of 1964
the Voting Rights Act of 1965
the Equal Rights Amendment of 1966
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

3 Lyndon Johnson's Great Society legislation included all of the following EXCEPT
the Voting Rights Act
creation of Housing & Urban Development Department
Auto Safety
Equal Rights Amendment

4 Johnson's foreign policy in Latin America included
intervening in countries with military invasions
support of some reactionary dictators
support for Fidel Castro
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

5 Johnson pushed to Americanize the Vietnam War because
He felt South Vietnam was vital to US interests.
He needed to boost South Vietnam's morale.
South Vietnam needed massive aid to beat the North Vietnamese who were getting aid from the USSR.
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

6 The US military policy failed in the Vietnam War because
The US used some conventional tactics in a guerrilla war situation.
Johnson refused to allow the US military to attack important targets in North Vietnam.
Political decisions in Washington took precedence over military decisions in Vietnam.
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "C" are correct.

7 The important factors in the 1968 presidential election victory of Richard Nixon included
Nixon announced he had a plan to end the Vietnam War.
Organized labor supported Humphrey.
George Wallace took more votes from Humphrey than Nixon.
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

8 Richard Nixon's National Security Advisor was
Curtis LeMay
Henry Kissinger
Bill Clinton
George Wallace
Gene McCarthy

9 New anti-war protests began in 1970 due to
the temporary invasion of Cambodia
the temporary invasion of North Vietnam
the temporary invasion of Communist China
the North Vietnamese invasion of South Vietnam
the Chinese invasion of North Vietnam

10 The Democratic presidential nominee in 1972 who lost badly to Richard Nixon was
George Adams
George McGovern
Gene McCarthy
Robert Kennedy
Ted Kennedy

11 In 1972 Richard Nixon was supported by all the following EXCEPT
most white southerners
blue collar workers
ethnic Roman Catholics
middle class suburbanites
liberal Democrats

12 Richard Nixon's plan that ended the Vietnam War included
Vietnamization of the war by withdrawing US ground forces
hard-line negotiating with the Communists
renewed bombing when the Communists refused to bargain productively
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

13 In 1972 when peace discussions stalled, Nixon
renewed heavy bombing of North Vietnam with B-52 bombers
renewed heavy bombing of Communist China with B-52 bombers
renewed heavy bombing of Thailand with F-18s
All of the answers are correct.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.

14 The results of Gerald Ford's pardon of Richard Nixon in 1974
caused an erosion of confidence in Ford's leadership
was supported by liberal Democrats
caused the House to impeach Ford
caused the Senate to convict & remove Ford from the presidency.
All of these answers are correct.

15 The Democrat response to the energy crisis of 1974 included
placing price controls on oil
encouraging more exploration for oil
negotiating with the Communists for more oil from the USSR
All of the answers are correct.
All of the answers are correct.

16 The Republican response to the energy crisis in 1974 included
placing price controls on oil
encouraging more exploration for oil
negotiating with the Communists for more oil from the USSR
All of the answers are correct.
All of the answers are correct.

17 The fastest growing ethnic group in the 1970's were

18 Jimmy Carter won the presidential election in 1976 due to
Carter was viewed as a Washington outsider.
Ford had pardoned Nixon and many voters felt Nixon should have been at least tried.
Carter was extremely political savy to the ways of Washington politics.
Only "A" & "B" are correct.
Only "B" & "C" are correct.

19 The most effective conservative spokesman in the 1970's was
Gene McCarthy
Emmanuel Cellar
Ronald Reagan
Winston Churchill
Joseph McCarthy

20 Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy Carter in 1980 due to
The Iranian Hostage Crisis made the US & Carter look very weak.
Carter talked about an American malaise & failed to inspire Americans.
Ronald Reagan was popular & projected a new patriotic image to Americans.
Carter's Rose Garden strategy hampered his campaigning.
All of the answers are correct.

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