Chapter 10

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1 Changes in fundamental American defense policy in 1899 included all EXCEPT
There was an increased dependence on a standing battle fleet to protect the U.S. against invasion & less dependence on coastal fortifications.
There was an increased dependence on the Regular Army & Navy for military tasks beyond the continental US.
The South resented the rise of military power fearing it would be used against them for Reconstruction purposes.
The political elite of the US gained confidence in the skill & political neutrality of the Army & Navy officer corps.
The civilian leadership accepted the rise of military professionalism.

2 American military policy in 1900 included all EXCEPT
The cornerstone of American military policy was the defense of the US.
Americans felt threats would come from Great Britain, Germany or Japan.
The US planned for an invasion of Europe to protect US interests there.
The US was worried about newly annexed islands & the Caribbean.
The US was concerned about Japan in the Pacific since we now had Hawaii & the Philippines.

3 US Naval developments between the Spanish American War and World War I included
Teddy Roosevelt sent the "Great White Fleet" around the world in 1907-09 to show the US came of age in international affairs.
Bigger & better battleships were planned & built.
A General Board of senior officers was created to give the SECNAV professional advice and in 1915 the post of Chief of Naval Operations was created.
By 1907 the Navy concentrated most of its battleships in the Atlantic.
All of the answers are correct.

4 US Navy base problems included all of the following EXCEPT
The Navy has too many bases in the US & too few overseas.
The Navy was divorced from politics & so could close surplus bases in the US without any political problems.
In the Philippines, the US Navy wanted Subic Bay & the US Army wanted Cavite as the main base so they compromised on Pearl Harbor T.H.
In the Caribbean the only base the US Navy had was Guantanamo Bay.
The USMC got a mission of taking undefended harbors & holding & defending them for US Navy bases.

5 New naval technology in the 1898-1917 period included all the following EXCEPT
The submarine was developed but had problems with power plants, pressure hulls, & torpedoes
The commerce raider was first developed to use against German sea borne merchantmen.
The airplane was used first as scouts & then to report the effects of naval gunfire because they lacked bombs big enough to sink ships.

6 The US Army was reformed in 1903 by adopting all the following EXCEPT
SECWAR Elihu Root led the reform movement.
Root wanted to unify central policy direction rather than have it split between SECWAR, Commanding General & bureau chiefs.
The bureau chief agreed without a struggle to the General Staff system.
The General Staff Act of 1903 replaced the Commanding General with a Chief of Staff who had a term of four years.
The US Army improved officer education, undertook field maneuvers, contingency planning, intelligence gathering, & tactical organization.

7 The US Army manpower changes in the first decade of the 20th century included all of the following EXCEPT
In 1901 Congress increased the Regular Army to 3,820 officers & 84,799 men.
The National Guard, which served as a recruiting base in the Spanish American War, received increased appropriations.
The US Army re-established a strict seniority system for officer promotions.
The Dick Act of 1903 gave increased money & federal control over National Guard training & organization.
The Militia Act of 1908 stated that the National Guard would go to war as units & established the National Guard Bureau within the War Department.

8 The US Army adopted all the following technology changes from 1906-1907 EXCEPT
In 1906 the US Army first used the automobile.
Tanks were developed in 1908.
Motorized transport was used in the Punitive Expedition of 1916 in Mexico.
Airplanes were adopted in 1907.
The Signal Corps formed an Aeronautical Division & used planes for reconnaissance.

9 The American military participated in all of the following overseas operations from 1898-1917 EXCEPT
The US Army was used for administrative operations & public works projects in Puerto Rico & Cuba.
The US Army was greatly involved in the creation of the Panama Canal with construction (Goethals) & medicine (Gorgas).
The USMC occupied Ireland to prevent German U-boats from obtaining bases there.
The USN & USMC were used in Haiti, Dominican Republic, & Nicaragua to reduce instability & stop terrorists.
The US Army was sent into northern Mexico after Pancho Villa in 1916 & the US Navy invaded Vera Cruz in 1914.

10 US preparations for World War I included
There was a new fleet building program in 1916 based on the General Board's 1916 plan for a navy "second to none."
The US Army began a summer camp program in 1914 & expanded this Plattsburgh Movement to include 10,000 volunteers.
The National Defense Act of 1916 allowed the US Army to grow to 175,000 men in five years & a National Guard of 400,000 men.
The National Defense Act of 1916 also recognized federal government power over industry & transportation in times of war.
All of the answers are correct.

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