History 2341

Old South

Study Guide


Map Test Learning Objectives


In order to pass this course you are required to demonstrate a knowledge of the geography of the Old South which has shaped and influenced the history of this section. Therefore you will have to pass a map test, administered in class in the same class period as UNIT EXAM #1, which will ask you to locate twenty of the following items on an outline map of the American South. You must score 16 or more correct out of 20 to pass the test. You may take the map test as many times as are necessary to pass the test but you MUST PASS THE MAP TEST BY THE MID-SEMESTER POINT IN ORDER TO PASS THIS COURSE! Atlases are available in the LRC to help you locate the following on a map:

Atlantic Ocean

Gulf of Mexico




North Carolina

South Carolina





















Baton Rouge


Oklahoma City

Little Rock

Jefferson City



James River

Potomac River

Savannah River

Alabama River

Mississippi River

Red River

Sabine River

Missouri River

Ohio River

Arkansas River

Appalachian Mountains

Ozark Mountains

Atlantic Coastal Plain

Piedmont Region

Cape Hatteras

Florida Keys

Mississippi Delta

Cape Fear




New Orleans

San Antonio


Washington, DC





Learning Objectives Unit I




Chapter 1

1. Identify the states of the upper South.

2. Identify the states of the lower South.

3. Name the various geographic regions of the South.

4. Explain why Sir Walter Raleigh sent an expedition to America in 1584.

5. Describe the first permanent English settlement in America in 1607.

6. Explain how Virginia was saved from extinction.

7. List the problems of early Virginia.

8. Describe the important events of 1619 in Virginia.

9. Explain why Lord Calvert founded Maryland.

10. Identify the early settlers of North Carolina.

11. Identify the early settlers of South Carolina.

12. Explain the importance and origins of the French Protestant settlers.

13. Explain the reasons behind the founding of Georgia.

14. Describe society in early Georgia.

15. Explain the reasons immigration was stimulated in the South.



Chapter 2

1. Name the colonial cash crop of VA, MD, & NC.

2. Describe the early tobacco trade in the South.

3. Describe the early rice culture in the South.

4. Describe the early indigo culture in the South.

5. Name the chief export of colonial NC.

6. Identify the basic elements of a plantation in the South.

7. Describe the early dominant source of field hands.

8. Identify the primary sources for indentured servants.

9. Explain why indentured servitude ended in the South.

10. Describe what happened to most former indentured servants.

11. Identify who originally brought slaves to colonial VA.

12. Describe the early slave trade.

13. Describe the early triangular trade.

14. Name the major African source for slaves.

15. Describe in general early southern colonial slavery.


Chapter 3

1. Describe the location of the Piedmont area.

2. Characterize the administration of Governor Berkeley.

3. Explain the major complaints of Bacon's supporters.

4. Identify the leaders of the movement into the early VA Piedmont.

5. Identify the leaders of the movement into the early NC Piedmont.

6. Identify the leaders of the movement into the early SC Piedmont.

7. Characterize the first settlers of the Shenandoah Valley.

8. Explain why Germans migrated to PA.

9. Describe the German cultural contributions to the South.

10. Describe the German agricultural contributions to the South.

11. Characterize the Scotch-Irish in the South.

12. Describe the experience of the Scotch-Irish on the southern frontier.

13. Characterize the background of the Highland Scots in the South.

14. List the problems encountered by early backcountry settlers.

15. Explain the social differences between the Tidewater & backcountry.



Chapter 4

1. Explain the social origins of most immigrants in the 17th century.

2. Characterize the origins of most of the southern aristocracy.

3. Identify the "Governor's Set."

4. Characterize the lawyers of the South by 1776.

5. Characterize the southern poor.

6. Identify the aristocrats' entertainment in the South.

7. Explain the southern militia system.

8. Characterize southern family life in the 18th century.

9. Explain the legal position of southern married women.

10. Characterize southern colonial medicine.

11. Explain the function of the Governor's Council.

12. Explain the function and composition of the Assembly.

13. Explain the system of voting in VA.

14. Characterize local government in the colonial South.

15. Explain the county court system in the colonial South.


Chapter 5

1. Explain the cultural lifestyle of the southern aristocracy.

2. Identify the primary style of southern architecture.

3. Characterize the Georgian homes of the 18th century South.

4. Identify the main factors of 18th century southern culture.

5. Explain how most plantation owner's children were educated.

6. Explain why the College of William & Mary was founded.

7. Name the major literary figure of the 18th century South.

8. Explain the cultural amenities of Charleston, SC.

9. Name the most popular type of colonial painters.

10. Characterize the 18th century Anglican Church in the South.

11. Compare the Anglican and Puritan churches in the 18th century.

12. Name the primary communicants of the Anglican Church.

13. List the non-Anglican churches of the 18th century South.

14. Characterize the Great Awakening in the South.

15. Characterize the SC gentry of the 18th century.




Chapter 6

1. Describe the value of southern exports to England.

2. Name the most thriving port in the colonial South.

3. Name the chief lair of southern pirates.

4. Define mercantilism.

5. Identify the principal parts of the Navigation Act of 1660.

6. Identify the principal parts of the Navigation Act of 1696.

7. Explain the economic plight of 18th century southernors.

8. Explain the causes of the American Revolution.

9. Name the first British tax on the American colonies.

10. Identify the Tories in the American Revolution.

11. Describe the timing of the fighting in the South during the Revolution.

12. Explain the tactics used in fighting in the South during the Revolution.

13. Explain the economic impact on the South of the American Revolution.

14. Explain the cultural impact on the South of the American Revolution.

15. Explain the political impact on the South of the American Revolution.





Learning Objectives Unit II




Chapter 7

1. Explain the progression of the frontier according to Turner.

2. Evaluate the causes of Indian attacks in KY during the Revolution.

3. Name the conqueror of the Northwest country.

4. Describe the social origins & status of early southern frontiersmen.

5. Identify the important early TN frontiersmen.

6. Identify the early frontier leader of KY.

7. Evaluate the TN Constitution of 1796.

8. Describe the key role in the economic development of KY & TN.

9. Name the great money crop around Natchez in 1800.

10. Name the extreme western point of the 1800 frontier.



Chapter 8

1. Name the group who strongly supported the Articles of Confederation.

2. List the important events of 1785-87 preceding the Constitution.

3. Identify the key figure in the Constitutional Convention.

4. Evaluate the political culture of the Constitutional Convention.

5. Explain the various representation plans discussed.

6. List the North/South compromises in the Convention.

7. Explain why the Antifederalists disliked the Constitution.

8. Evaluate how the Old South states ratified the Constitution.

9. Discuss the issue that began party politics in the U.S.

10. Describe the Federalist Party platform of 1790.

11. Describe the Democratic-Republican Platform of 1790.

12. Explain how Washington lost popularity in the South 1793-97.

13. Name the strongest southern state supporter of Federalist policy.

14. Name the leading southern Federalist after 1799.

15. Describe the major legal decisions of Marshall's Supreme Court.



Chapter 9

1. Describe Thomas Jefferson's background before the Revolution.

2. List Jefferson's accomplishments before becoming Vice President.

3. Name the main organizers of the Democratic-Republican Party.

4. Explain the reaction to the Alien & Sedition Laws.

5. Discuss the implications of the VA & KY Resolutions.

6. Name the supporters of the Democratic-Republican Party.

7. Evaluate Jefferson's domestic record as President.

8. Evaluate Jefferson's foreign policy record as President.

9. Evaluate Jefferson's civil liberties record as President.

10. Discuss the Anti-Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans.



Chapter 10

1. Define Creole.

2. Evaluate Spanish Creole existence.

3. Evaluate French Creole existence.

4. Name the crops grown by French Creole farmers.

5. Describe the Code Noir of LA.

6. Explain why French rule failed to expand rapidly.

7. Describe the motivations for LA expansion.

8. Evaluate the economic problems of French LA.

9. Name the owner of western LA in 1783.

10. Describe the period of Spanish control of LA.

11. Explain why Napoleon sold LA to the U.S. in 1803.

12. Name the man who attempted to subvert LA.

13. List the French Creole contributions in LA adopted by the U.S.

14. Describe French Creole cultural contributions to the U.S.

15. Evaluate French culture in upper LA.



Chapter 11

1. Describe the political & economic aftermath of the War of 1812.

2. Evaluate the causes of the War of 1812.

3. Characterize the War Hawks.

4. Describe the motivations of the War Hawks.

5. Discuss the supporters of the War of 1812.

6. List the southern military campaigns of 1812-1815.

7. Explain the campaign & results of the Battle of New Orleans.

8. Explain the manifestations of Southern nationalism from 1815- 1820.

9. Explain the flow of population from 1815 to 1836.

10. Describe the results of the westward migration of settlers.

11. Describe the parts of the Missouri Compromise.

12. Evaluate the vote on the Missouri Compromise.

13. Explain how West FLA became U.S. territory.

14. Explain how East FLA became U.S. territory.

15. Explain how FLA was economically & geographically divided.




Chapter 12

1. Define the significant aspects of plantations.

2. Name the major crops & locations in which they were grown in the South.

3. Describe the important factors in long staple cotton growing.

4. Explain why cotton production increased drastically.

5. Evaluate the effect of cotton production on the South.

6. Describe the prices for cotton from 1800 to 1861.

7. Evaluate the cultivation of tobacco in the 19th century.

8. Evaluate the cultivation of hemp in the 19th century.

9. Describe why agricultural reform came about in the South.

10. Evaluate the Agricultural Revolution.

11. Evaluate the cultivation of rice in the South.

12. Evaluate the cultivation of sugar in the South.

13. Describe the economic backgrounds of sugar planters.

14. Evaluate the role of small farmers in the South.

15. Describe the factor system in the South.




Learning Objectives Unit III





Chapter 13

1. Describe the original source of slaves.

2. Describe the African slave trade & its effect on the upper South.

3. Evaluate the effects of the internal slave trade.

4. Describe the types of slaves sent from the upper to lower South.

5. Discuss the fluctuations in the prices of slaves.

6. Describe the effect of the high cost of slaves from 1850-1860.

7. List the types of organization of slave labor.

8. Evaluate the amount of work done by slaves.

9. Identify the types of slaves who were hired.

10. Explain the position of slavery by the Civil War.



Chapter 14

1. Characterize the treatment of slaves by their masters.

2. Describe the general overall behavior of slaves.

3. Discuss slave defenses against cruel treatment.

4. Describe the treatment of house servants.

5. Evaluate the food supply of slaves.

6. Evaluate the housing supply of slaves.

7. Evaluate the clothing supply of slaves.

8. Discuss the health of the average slave.

9. Explain how discipline was maintained on large plantations.

10. Describe the problems with overseers.

11. Describe the typical runaway slave.

12. Identify the major slave plots and conspiracies.

13. Describe the results of the Nat Turner Revolt.

14. Describe the role of the free Black in the South.

15. Discuss the occupation of most free Blacks in the South.


Chapter 15

1. Describe the position of the yeoman farmers of the South.

2. Identify the crops grown by yeoman farmers.

3. Discuss the aspirations of most yeoman farmers.

4. Evaluate the living style of yeoman farmers.

5. Identify the elements of the middle class in the Old South.

6. Describe the urban class in the Old South.

7. Evaluate the position of skilled workmen in the Old South.

8. Evaluate the position of poor whites in the Old South.

9. Explain the primary causes for poor whites' behavior.

10. Identify the primary occupations of most poor whites.

11. Evaluate the southern criminal codes.

12. Describe the southern prison systems.

13. Evaluate the southern treatment of the mentally ill.

14. Describe the condition of southern society in general terms.

15. Explain class feelings in southern society.



Chapter 16

1. Describe Andrew Jackson's background prior to 1818.

2. Explain Jackson's actions in FLA in 1818.

3. Evaluate the role of Jackson in the 1824 election.

4. Evaluate the role of Jackson in the 1828 election.

5. Describe Jackson's political plans in 1829.

6. Identify the prominent members of Jackson's "Kitchen Cabinet."

7. Explain the political role of the Peggy Eaton affair.

8. Explain how the "Rise of the Common Man" occurred.

9. Evaluate the elements of Jacksonian Democracy.

10. Explain Jackson's Indian policy.

11. Evaluate the role of the Cherokees in society and politics.

12. Explain Jackson's war with the National Bank.

13. Identify Jackson's running mate in 1832.

14. Describe the results of the veto of the National Bank recharter.

15. Explain the effects of the Specie Circular of 1836.




Chapter 17

1. Describe the background of the Whig Party.

2. Identify the leaders of the Whig Party in TN.

3. Discuss the supporters of the Whig Party in the South.

4. Explain the beliefs of southern Democrats.

5. Describe Henry Clay's background.

6. Identify the principal elements of Clay's American System.

7. List Clay's great compromises.

8. Identify the Whig presidential candidates in 1836.

9. Explain the results of the election of 1840.

10. Describe the break between Tyler and the Whig Party.

11. Evaluate the competition of the two party system in the South.

12. Explain the disappearance of the Whig Party.

13. Describe the role of democracy in the South by 1850.

14. Evaluate the political power within the southern legislatures.

15. Evaluate the taxation policies of southern states.




Chapter 18

1. Describe the dominant political theme from 1821 to 1860.

2. Identify the leader of southern sectionalism.

3. Describe John C.Calhoun's background to 1812.

4. Explain Calhoun's political viewpoints prior to 1820.

5. Explain Calhoun's political plans during Jackson's first administration.

6. Describe why sectionalism flourished in SC.

7. Describe Calhoun's position for SC on the Tariff of 1832.

8. Evaluate the Nullification Crisis.

9. Explain the sectional support for nullification in SC.

10. Describe Calhoun's political position in the Nullification Crisis.

11. Explain Calhoun's positions on the Mexican War.

12. Explain Calhoun's political goals for the South in national politics.

13. Evaluate Calhoun's position on minority rights.

14. Describe Calhoun's political theory.

15. Identify the leader of the SC unionists.




Learning Objectives Unit IV




Chapter 19

1. Identify the leading empresario of Texas.

2. Explain the role of the Mexican authorities after the Fredonian Revolt.

3. Explain the major battles of the Texas Revolution.

4. Identify the Hero of San Jacinto.

5. Explain the results of Texas' attempt to join the US in 1836.

6. Characterize the government of the Republic of Texas.

7. Explain why the US wanted to annex Texas.

8. Explain why the US did NOT want to annex Texas.

9. Describe the Texas question in the election of 1844.

10. Discuss how Tyler annexed Texas in 1845.

11. Evaluate the causes of the Mexican War.

12. Describe the opposition to the War with Mexico.

13. Identify Zachary Taylor's victories in the Mexican War.

14. Describe Winfield Scott's campaigns in the Mexican War.

15. Evaluate the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.



Chapter 20

1. Explain the feelings of most southernors toward slavery before 1830.

2. Explain why emancipation gained in the South from 1776 to 1830.

3. Describe the factors against emancipation from 1776 to 1830.

4. Identify who were the major abolitionists in the South.

5. Describe the composition & accomplishments of the American Colonization Society.

6. Explain why the American Colonization Society failed.

7. Describe the background of William Lloyd Garrison.

8. Evaluate the western abolitionists.

9. Describe the abolitionist attack on slavery.

10. Explain the border state reaction to abolitionism.

11. Explain why SC took the lead in proslavery arguments.

12. Describe the major proslavery arguments.

13. Identify the major proslavery leaders.

14. Identify the target of most proslavery propaganda.

15. Explain the impact of The Impending Crisis of the South.



Chapter 21

1. Identify the class of the bulk of the southern population in 1860.

2. Define a southern planter in 1860.

3. Describe the economic background of most southern planters.

4. Explain the planter's relationships with his slaves.

5. Describe the economic factors of sugar planting in LA.

6. Evaluate the mores of the southern upper class.

7. Describe the social position of southern upper class women.

8. Discuss the daily life of most southern women.

9. List the primary southern amusements.

10. Explain the result of northerners living in the South.

11. Identify the prevalent architecture in the South of 1860.

12. Describe most Greek Revival homes in the South.

13. Describe the typical southern planter's home.

14. Explain the location & condition of most southern cities.

15. Describe the public institutions in most southern cities.




Chapter 22

1. Evaluate the role of the country merchant in the South.

2. Describe southern commerce in the 19th century.

3. Describe southern trade in the 19th century.

4. Explain how southern economic growth was retarded.

5. Identify the elements of southern transportation.

6. Explain how manufacturing was retarded in the South.

7. Explain the advantages of southern cotton mills.

8. Describe the reasons why the tobacco industry boomed in the upper South.

9. Describe the condition of the iron industry in the South.

10. Describe the milling of flour & cornmeal industry in 1860.

11. Evaluate the southern forest industry by 1860.

12. Describe the gold mining industry in the South.

13. Explain hemp manufacturing in the South.

14. Explain the position of the South on the protective tariff.

15. Identify the institutions used by the South in their quest for economic independence.



Chapter 23

1. Explain the scarcity of southern public schools.

2. Detail the illiteracy rate of white southernors in 1850.

3. Describe the opposition to public schools in the South.

4. Name the leading southern state in public education.

5. Describe the chief schools of the southern upper class.

6. Evaluate the chief educational effort of the South.

7. Describe the background of the University of Virginia.

8. Explain why religiously affiliated colleges developed in the South.

9. Identify the northern schools patronized by the South.

10. Describe the content & character of southern newspapers.

11. Describe the most significant factor in molding southern minds.

12. Explain how religious revivals were carried out in the South.

13. Explain the results of the Great Revival.

14. Identify the aristocratic churches of the South.

15. Describe the characteristics of the various southern churches.




Chapter 24

1. Explain the beginning of the great struggle over slavery in 1846.

2. Identify the leading fire-eater of the South.

3. Describe the political beliefs of William Loundes Yancy.

4. Describe the political beliefs of Robert Barnwell Rhett.

5. Explain the basic message of Calhoun's "Address to Southern Delegates."

6. Describe the Southern Convention in Nashville in 1850.

7. Describe the leading senatorial actors in the Compromise of 1850.

8. Explain the key points of Clay's Compromise of 1850.

9. Identify the states strongest in their opposition to the Compromise of 1850.

10. Explain the reaction of northern states to the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850.

11. Explain the main parts of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill.

12. Describe the results of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill.

13. Describe the results of the election of 1856.

14. Evaluate the Dred Scott case.

15. Evaluate the role of John Brown.



Chapter 25

1. Describe the demands of the Alabama Platform.

2. Describe the actions of the Charleston Democratic Convention.

3. Describe the actions of the Baltimore Democratic Convention.

4. Describe the results of the Baltimore Constitutional Union Convention.

5. Describe the results of the Baltimore Southern Democratic Convention.

6. Describe the results of the Chicago Republican Convention.

7. Evaluate the election of 1860.

8. Explain the power within the US government after the 1860 election.

9. Describe Buchanan's position in 1860.

10. Evaluate the actions of SC in December 1860.

11. Evaluate the "SC Declaration of the Causes of Secession."

12. Describe the states that joined SC in secession to February 1861.

13. Explain the Crittenden Compromise.

14. Explain the Committee of Thirteen of the US Senate.

15. Evaluate the causes of the failure of the compromises.

16. Describe the various groups of southernors voting on secession.

17. Describe the opposition to secession in Texas.

18. Evaluate the Confederate constitution.

19. Explain how the Civil War started.

20. Describe what followed the firing on Fort Sumter.