HISTORY 2341World War II Tutorials

the HISTORY 2341 World War II Course


    Below are tutorials to help you study for the exams in HISTORY 2341, World War II.

    These tutorials are to be used AFTER you have heard the lectures, read the textbook, and studied the material. 

    DO NOT try to take the exams after simply using the tutorials without having read the textbook or heard the lectures. The tutorials DO NOT duplicate the test questions word for wordThey cover much of the same material but not necessarily in exactly the same form and vocabulary.  Therefore, it is critical that you know and understand the material prior to taking the tutorials.  If, after having read the textbook and heard the lectures, you do well on the tutorials; THEN you should be very well-prepared to take the tests.  The tutorials are in multiple-choice format by unit and follow your course Learning Objectives.

Unit I Part A                                     Unit I Part B

Unit II Part A                                    Unit II Part B

Unit III Part A                                   Unit III Part B

Unit IV Part A                                   Unit IV Part B