The Aquatic Invertebrates of Texas



(hydras & jellyfish)





Hydra sp.


Species reported
          from Texas:



Hydra americana

Hydra fusca

Hydra viridis




Distribution Citations*

[1970 Reddell]
1971 Kent
1973 Harrel
1973 Keith Murphy Britton
1975 Riley
1976 Harrel
1977 Kost
1978 Cover & Harrel
1978 Darville
1979 Bass
1979 Vaughn
1979 Whitman

1980 Darville & Harrel
1980 Davis scdrg
1981 Bass & Harrel
1982 Davis mdcc
1982 Lind
1982 Newberry
1982 Richardson
1983 Barclay
1983 Campbell
1984 Cusak
1984 SL Smith
1984 Whitman & Clark
1985 Barclay & Harrel
1985 Campbell Morris Noble
1989 Short & Smith
1989 Ziser

1992 Bayer et al
1992 Miles
1993 Green

2002 Celik

*refs are for reports of genus only ; species refs not included here

copyright:   Stephen W. Ziser 

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Found as an accidental in caves (Reddell 1970)