The Aquatic Invertebrates of Texas






Pytrgulopsis sp.


Species reported
          from Texas:



Pyrgulopsis davisi

Pyrgulopsis metcalfi

Pyrgulopsis palomasensis




Distribution Citations*

[1993 Kabat & Hershler]

[2004 Perez Clark Lydeard]



* 115 and several undescribed species in genus (Perez, Clark & Lydeard 2004)

* widespread in the United States and occurs in lakes, springs, seeps, marshes and lotic waters (Hershler 1994)

* at least 3 species in the genus have gone extinct since their original description at the beginning of the 20th century (Hershler 1994)

*often found in densities greater than 1000/square meter (Hershler 1994)


*refs are for reports of genus only; species refs not included here; [ ] indicate state record, no specific county or locality indicated

copyright:   Stephen W. Ziser 

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