students in classroom

Learning Lab Guidelines

Preparing for a Tutoring Session:

  • Bring the relevant assignment, related class handouts, and your notes to the lab.

  • Read the teacher's comments on the essay or homework prior to signing in at the lab.

  • If attending a lab at a campus where you are not attending your developmental writing course, call first to determine if there is a writing tutor on the schedule, or if using software, to determine if the required software is available at that lab.

  • Sign in upon entering the lab. Then, take a seat and prepare your materials, so you will be ready for the tutor.

  • Work quietly while waiting for a tutor.

At the beginning of a Tutoring Session:

  • Explain the instructor's assignment and share all relevant handouts and notes with the tutor.

  • Tutors will first attend to the requirements of the assignment and the instructor's remarks. Be receptive to additional information offered by the tutor.

  • Unless the lab is not busy, expect to spend no more than 15-25 minutes with a tutor. Do not expect to go over more than one essay during a single tutoring session.

  • If the lab is short of writing tutors, the tutor may need to work with more than one student at a time.

During the Tutoring Session:

  • Do not expect the tutor to do your work.

  • If you are beginning a new assignment, the tutor will ask questions and suggest techniques to help you get started.

  • If you need help organizing your paper, the tutor will suggest some standard methods.

  • If you need to revise, the tutor will ask for clarification, elaboration, etc.

  • If you need to edit, the tutor will ask questions to help you locate and correct your own errors. The tutor might indicate the types of errors that are prevalent in an essay, but it is your responsibility to identify and correct those errors.

  • The tutors will often provide handouts, instruction, and additional materials.

  • Tutors will also check your progress and provide additional assistance if you are still having difficulty.

  • After you have worked with a tutor, if the lab is busy, be prepared to wait your turn to meet again with a tutor.

  • Remember, if you are having a lot of difficulty with an assignment, you should meet with your instructor for assistance during office hours.

After the Tutoring Session:

  • If your instructor requires a tutor's signature to verify your visit to the lab, request that signature before you leave.

  • Be sure to sign out before leaving the lab.

  • If you think there was a problem with your tutoring session, please go to your instructor or the lab manager for assistance.

  • Let the lab manager know when a tutor is especially helpful.

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