Purposes and Patterns for Writing
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Purposes - Expressive Writing:

Expressive writing has four characteristics: values, emotion, self-definition, and subjective language. 

1. Values 2. Emotion 3. Self-definition 4. Subjective Language

Desirable qualities you want in yourself and others.

The expression of strong feelings.

A self-evaluation answering the question “Who am I?”

A personal style of speech. The word choice is informal and conversational instead of academic or formal.

jovial, kind, honest, family oriented, loyal, forgiving, generous, empathetic, thoughtful, humorous,  hardworking, considerate, playful, trustworthy, and so on.

“I could feel myself being erased.”
 –Sandra Cisneros, “Only Daughter”

“Mercy . . . for God’s sake, please let me die.”
ra Huttmann, “A Crime of Compassion”

 “I was going on thirteen.”
–Langston Hughes, “Salvation”

“I am the only daughter in a Mexican family of six sons.”
–Sandra Cisneros, “Only Daughter”

Slang: excessively informal words and phrases usually particular to an age group:
off the hinges,” “poser,” “pity party,” and “props” are examples.
First-person: the pronouns I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, and ours are used extensively because a personal experience is being expressed.

Memory Device: The characteristics were arranged in this order—Values, Emotion, Self-definition, and Subjective language—to create a memory device: VESS.

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