Students with mascot in learning lab

Buy vs. By - Quiz 2

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1. I heard he wants to _____ the cabin _____ the lake.

2. You can tell she likes to get a lot of attention _____ the way she dresses.

3. The soldiers were able to raise the flag _____ the monument to freedom.

4. He decided to _____ a new computer.

5. Amanda knew that the key was hidden _____ the filing cabinet.

6. _____ using the new equipment, the doctors will be able to perform the surgery much faster.

7. More hospitals will want to _____ the same equipment.

8. The preacher led his congregation down _____ the water.

9. At Christmas time he will _____ fruit and drive _____ the homeless shelter and hand it out.

10. Please don’t _____ into her long list of lies.

How did you do?

If you scored from 90-100: You earned an A on this practice exercise, which demonstrates an EXCELLENT understanding of the topic.

If you scored from 80-89: You earned a B on this practice exercise, which demonstrates a GOOD understanding of the topic. You should print out the test and next to each item you missed, write down why you got it wrong.

If you scored from 70-79: You earned a C on this practice exercise, which demonstrates a FAIR understanding of the topic. Print out your test. Then review the guidelines for the skill. Next to each item you missed, write down why you got it wrong.

If you scored from 0-69: You earned a failing grade on this practice exercise. Review the guidelines for this topic and take notes. Meet with your instructor or a writing tutor in one of the Learning Labs to discuss the topic and get answers to any questions you might have. Take a copy of your test with you. Retest over this skill after you have carefully reviewed the materials and have a better understanding of the topic.