English 1301/1302 ONL / Skrabanek


How to Use Blackboard

Blackboard is a learning environment you will use for most of your course functions.

You can access course information, announcements, messages, assignments, quizzes, and the Discussion Board inside the Blackboard site. You will also submit and retrieve your coursework using Blackboard, so take some time to learn how to use the site effectively and efficiently. Your failure to familiarize yourself with the site will not be a suitable excuse for late work or lack of progress.

Note: Blackboard has occasional updates, so some of these points may be slightly changed.

Getting Started With Blackboard
Navigating Blackboard
Using the Discussion Board
Moving To Other Web Sites
How To Log Out


1. Blackboard is an ACC supported web site that provides access to course information and instructional tools designed to help you. This section will explain how to use some of the features of Blackboard. After you log in to Blackboard, you can get additional help by clicking the online Help button at any time.

2. You enter the course Blackboard site at the Announcements page. I will post announcements pertaining to the course as needed. You are responsible for keeping up with the announcements, so log in to Blackboard regularly.

3. Use the Submissions button to send your files and retrieve your graded coursework.

4. Under the Communications button, you can send or receive messages--to or from me or other students. You can also participate in the Discussion Board. The Discussion Board can also be used to post questions or comments to anyone or everyone in the class, send replies, discuss the course materials, and get help. Other students or I can reply at a later time. Because everyone can read your postings, be sure to proofread your messages carefully. No anonymous posts are allowed. Be aware that I am the administrator of the Discussion Board, and I can read and reply to postings, so please use good manners. I will stay in touch with the discussion threads and reply as needed to postings.

Getting Started with Blackboard

Your first step is to go to the Blackboard Student Support Page.

On this page you will find a link to the Blackboard Login Page, details on how to use Blackboard, and a list of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), such as how to log in to Blackboard.

You should especially read the short answer on how to log in to Blackboard. If you can't log in to Blackboard after following these instructions, let me know. I can direct you to someone who can help.

1. After you read the above login instructions, you can link to the Blackboard Login Page from my Home Page:


Or you can also go directly to the Blackboard Login Page at:


2. Once you reach the Login Page, click the Login button. Enter the information specified in the login instructions at the link above. You should then be taken you to your own Blackboard Home Page, called My ACC. You will be welcomed by name.

3. Examine your Blackboard Home Page. You should see a My Courses box, which lists the ACC Blackboard courses you are enrolled in. If you do not see a class that you think you should be enrolled in, please contact your instructor promptly. (NOTE: Most ACC classes are not available through the Blackboard system.)

Navigating Blackboard

1. Click the My ACC tab, near the top left of the page, to return to your Home Page.

2. Click on the tabs in the upper left part of the screen to see what resources they provide.

3. Click the My ACC tab near the top of the page to return to your Home Page. Then click on the English Composition course link to return to the Announcements page for this course.

4. Feel free to explore. As you explore the system, you will find other features that you may or may not want to use. Click on any of the options under the Student Tools section on the left side of your home page to see what is available.

5. When you want to quit, click on the Logout icon in the upper right area of the screen or close your browser.


You will use the Submissions button in Blackboard to submit your coursework. When you click on the Submissions button, a list of coursework links appears. You will use these links to submit your coursework. Most of the assignments links also have a revision link in case a second submission of an assignment is necessary.

Find the assignment, revision, or exam you need to submit. You will find a link to view or submit the work. Clicking on the name of the assignment takes you to the same submission page.

On the submission page, you will find an Assignment Materials section that contains a big comment box and a window to attach your properly named coursework file. In the Comments box, include:

Under the Comments box, click the Browse button to locate your coursework file.
Then use the Submit button to send your coursework to me.

After 3 or so days (not including weekends), you should use the same link to check on your work. I will attach the graded file, provide a few comments, and indicate a score.

To download your graded file to your computer, right-click on the file name in the Instructor Feedback section and choose Save Target As or Save File As (depending on your browser). Save the file to a location of your choice. You might want to rename the graded file to keep it separate from your original submission file.


Use the Communication button to check your Messages. You can use the Messages feature to send messages to me or other students or to receive messages from me or other students. The Messages feature works in a similar fashion to most Email programs.


Blackboard provides an online gradebook in which you can keep track of the grades that have been recorded for you. To access the gradebook, click on Student Tools, then My Grades.

See the Submissions section above for the meaning of numbers or marks in the Gradebook.

Using the Discussion Board

1. Log in to Blackboard, or return to the Announcements page.

2. Click on the Communication button. Then click on the Discussion Board link. You will notice that there are several discussion groups or forums set up for you (for example, Help!, Open Forum, etc.). Click on the forum you wish to enter.

3. You will see a list of messages that have been posted to the forum you entered. Click on the Show Options tab near the right side of the screen to display the available tool bar of options.

4. At this point you have two choices. You can click on any of the existing messages to read and reply to them; OR, you can post your own message about a new topic by clicking on the Add New Thread button. In either case, simply follow the prompts on the screen. If you need help, you can click on the Help button near the top of the screen (next to the Logout button).

5. When you type in your message, I recommend that you leave Smart Text checked. Proofread your message. Don’t add attachments. Use the preview option to see your message before you submit it. When you are finished, be sure to go to the bottom of the page and click on Submit.

Moving to Other Web Sites

1. You can go to other web sites at any time, just as you can whenever you are on the web. To move to another site, use the navigation buttons provided by your web browser.

2. If you move to another web site, you will remain logged in to the Blackboard system as long as your web browser is on, unless you log out.

3. If you return to the Blackboard login page, click the Login button, and it will let you back in.

How to Log Out

1. When you are ready to quit using Blackboard, log out by clicking the Logout icon near the top of the page. This is especially important if other people use the computer you are using.

2. You will automatically be logged out when you close your web browser.

© Site maintained by D. W. Skrabanek
English/Austin Community College
Last update: August 2014