ITSE 2317 Intermediate Java
Using Alpha Transparency with Ericson's Media Library
Lecture # 06
Run: Thu Sep 09 16:24:08 CDT 2010

aa  -  ITSE 2317 Intermediate Java
ab  -  Using Alpha Transparency with Ericson's Media Library
ac  -  Figures
ad  -  Listings
ae  -  Preview
af  -  Two approaches
ag  -  The second approach
ah  -  Outside research
ai  -  The getBasicPixel and setBasicPixel methods
aj  -  Modification to the SimplePicture class
ak  -  Crop and set alpha values
al  -  Draw a partially transparent image of a butterfly
am  -  Brief program specifications
an  -  Define new classes
ao  -  A partially transparent image of a butterfly
ap  -  Modification to the SimplePicture class
aq  -  Transparency
ar  -  Outside research
as  -  An object of the BufferedImage class
at  -  Image data formats
au  -  No alpha data
av  -  Modification of the SimplePicture class
aw  -  Future Picture objects will accommodate alpha transparency
ax  -  No complete listing of SimplePicture provided
ay  -  The class named Prob06
az  -  The main method for Prob06
ba  -  Will explain in fragments
bb  -  The class named Prob06Runner
bc  -  The run method
bd  -  New material
be  -  Beginning of the makeTransparent method
bf  -  Receives a reference to the butterfly image
bg  -  Partial transparency
bh  -  A call to the modified SimplePicture constructor
bi  -  Make the pixels partially transparent
bj  -  The getBasicPixel method
bk  -  A bitwise AND operation
bl  -  A bitwise OR operation
bm  -  The alpha byte
bn  -  Thirty-seven percent opaque
bo  -  The setBasicPixel method
bp  -  The end of the makeTransparent method
bq  -  Save the Picture object's reference
br  -  Houston, we have a partially transparent butterfly image
bs  -  Call the copyPictureWithCrop method
bt  -  The copyPictureWithCrop method
bu  -  An exercise for the student
bv  -  Modify the destination pixel colors
bw  -  An illusion of transparency
bx  -  An illusion of transparency (cont'd)
by  -  Termination of the copyPictureWithCrop method
bz  -  Return a reference to an array object
ca  -  Images don't go away immediately
cb  -  Images don't go away immediately (cont'd)
cc  -  Run the program
cd  -  Summary
ce  -  Summary (cont'd)
cf  -  Summary
cg  -  Summary
ch  -  Complete program listing
ci  -  The End
cj  -  Spare slide template
