Listing 2. Beginning of the class named Prob07Runner.

class Prob07Runner extends JFrame{

  private JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
  private JPanel titlePanel = new JPanel();
  private JSlider slider = new JSlider();

  private Picture background = new Picture("Prob07b.jpg");
  private Picture butterfly = new Picture("Prob07a.jpg");

  private int backgroundWidth = background.getWidth();
  private int backgroundHeight = background.getHeight();
  private int butterflyWidth = butterfly.getWidth();
  private int butterflyHeight = butterfly.getHeight();

  private Picture display =
            new Picture(backgroundWidth,backgroundHeight);
  private Picture tempPicture =
              new Picture(butterflyWidth,butterflyHeight);

  private Image image = null;
  private Graphics graphics = null;