Welcome to Dr. Cyriacus Chris Uzomba Web Page.


Dr. Cyriacus Chris Uzomba, Associate Professor of Chemistry at Austin Community College, Rio Grande Campus, Austin Texas 78701.

Chemistry is a basic science that affects us human from the food we eat to nourish our body to the drugs we take to repair it. It is no surprising that you are asking to take chemistry as a required class in every discipline that you are involved in.  So, take you time and study chemistry because it is the subject you are already familiar with in every aspect of life.  For more information on how to register at ACC or taking chemistry classes, please contact me at (512) 223-3122





Introduction to chemistry (chem. 1405)


Chem1411 syllabus Spring05.htm


Syllabus2423 fall2004.htm




Chapter 18 Power Point presentation (to save the lecture click on the link and save the file to your computer.  You have to have MS Office’s PowerPoint to open the file.)