The expressive paper is an easy paper to write because it expresses feelings and thoughts about something

personal, important to you, the writer. This first class paper might express your feelings about an event or incident, an

interesting object, your job, your current or future plans, an odd relative you have or an odd person you know or

once met. Here are some more ideas for suggestions for writing the expressive paper:



1. Use a style similar to that used in a diary, or journal. (Do use complete sentences and a well-developed paragraph.



2. Use first person singular and personal pronouns (I. me, my, mine) as much as you wish.


3. Let your personality come through in your writing, for that, after all, is the main purpose of an expressive paper.

Therefore, do not worry about what other people might think about your paper. Be as spontaneous as you will allow

yourself to be!


4. Write the way you talk. Feel free to use slang, contractions, humor or figures of speech.


5. Express your opinions and ideas freely.


6. Start right out with your opinion, good or bad. For example, you might begin your paper by saying, "I am a student at ACC, and I like..." or even, "I hate ......" 



    Coming to College Has Changed My Life

    My Reasons for Coming to College (or My Reasons for Coming Back to College)

    My Reasons for Coming to A.C.C.

    What I Would Most Like to Do in Life

    My Highest Ambition

    Observations of an Entering Freshman (or Registration Was Crazy!)

    Christmas Was a Great Success (or Christmas Was a Total Loss)

    I Had a Great Vacation! (or I had a Lousy Vacation!)

    My Family Is Wonderful! (or My Family is Crazy!)

    The Most Interesting Character I Ever Met (or I Once Had a Crazy Teacher)

    The Most Interesting City (or Town or Country) I Know

    Why I Hate okra (make any substitution for okra that you wish)

    The Strangest Food I Ever Ate

    My Job, It's Wonderful! (or My Job, It's Awful!)

    My Boss Is a Strange Person (or My Boss Is a Wonderful Person)

    The Person Who Lives Inside My Skin (or This Is Who I Am)

    Friends Are Important to Me

    The Way I Would Like To Be Remembered

    What I Have Learned So Far

    The Most Important Thing I Ever Learned (or Discovered)

    The One Big Thing That Causes (or Caused) Me Pain




    NOTE: Write an essay of one paragraph. You can use one of the topics above, or one of your own choosing. If you choose one, make sure it is similar to the ones above.




