BCIS 1305 Student Exercises

COSC 1301
BCIS 1305
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Student Exercise Files

As you work through the lab exercise book, the authors have you open and use data files created by the authors.  Using the authors' data files saves you time because you do not need to create all the files to work on them.  Depending on how you obtained your book, new or used, the student data files on a CD-ROM may not come with the textbook.  If you choose to use the computers in the Computer Information Technology Computer Labs on the ACC campuses, then you don't need to do anything.  The school has stored all the student data files on the computers in the labs. 

If you choose to use your own computer to complete the activities in the textbook, then you will need to get a copy of the student data files.  There are three ways to obtain the files.

1. CD-ROM in Book

If a CD-ROM came with your book, then the files are there.


2. Copy Exercise Files from Computer Labs

If you plan to use your own computer for your lab practice, then you will need to purchase a USB flash memory drive.  You will be able to copy the student data files to the USB flash memory drive and use them on your computer.

The Computer Studies Department stores the student data files on the network computer servers at all the Computer Studies Department labs throughout ACC.  At the Northridge lab, the files are on the I: drive in the following folders: Access,  Excel,  Integration,  PowerPoint, Windows XP, Word.


3. Downloading from Publisher's Website

If you do not know how to download files from a Web site, then do not use this method for obtaining the student data files. 

Go to the publisher's website (see the book for the URL).  Search for the ISBN number, which is on the back of your book (normally) or on the copyright page.  Follow the instructions on the webpage.


If you want to use your own computer, then you will need the software applications listed in the syllabus.


Syllabus Schedule MW Schedule Sat Book Student Exercises

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To contact Dr. Daniel:  ddaniel@austincc.edu                                                                     Last modified: 08/31/08