Basic Math: Algebra

Algebra is a way of doing math with letters instead of just numbers. The numbers are called variables if their values can change, and constant if the values are always the same. Instead of

6 = 2 X 3

we can say y=ax (read "y equals a times x") if we say y=6, a=2, x=3.

Numbers and letters can be mixed. If we say

y = 0.1x

we say the same as y=ax above, where a is set to 0.1, a constant value.

We can solve an algebraic equation for any one variable, provided we know all the others. If y= 0.1x above, we can say y=1 if and only if x=10.

We can rearrange any equation in order to solve for any of the variables. The equations

y = ax       y/x = a       x = y/a

are equivalent. Proof:
  1. y = ax multiply both sides by 1/x
  2. (1/x) X y = ax X (1/x) becomes y/x = ax/x = a(x/x)
  3. x/x = 1, so a = y/x


We could also multiply both sides by 1/a to get x = y/a.

Problem: Prove that the statements below are equivalent
  1. y = 3x + b 
  2. b = y - 3x 
  3. x = (y - b) / 3


Now verify that they are equivalent by plugging in the numbers
y = 10, b = 4, x = 2.


Problem: Express F = GmM / ( r2 ) in four other ways.


Besides the four basic mathematical functions, there are others:



Basically, this is taking "one over" a number or variable. The inverse of 2 is 1/2, or one-half. The inverse of x is 1/x ("one over x"). If you invert one side of an equation, you must invert the other side!


If y = ax, then 1 / y = 1 / (ax)


Inverting a fraction is a simple matter of "flipping it over."


If y = a / b, then 1 / y = b / a

  1. If 1 / d = x / y then d = 
  2. If 1 / d = (x + b) / y then d = 
  3. If 1 / d = b + (x / y) then d =
    ( Hint: b = (by) / y )



The most common example of this process is squaring: x2 = x times x. But there are others:

x3 = x times x times x

q6 = q X q X q X q X q X q


Since in normal algebra this would be x3 = xxx and q6 = qqqqqq, you can hopefully see why exponents were invented!


Roots are the opposite of exponents, and "undo" exponents:

x = square root(x2)       x = cube root(x3)


Roots are often expressed as "inverse exponents." The square root of x is x1/2, the cube root of x is x1/3, etc. See the pattern?

If a3 = p2 and a = 2 then p = ?

If p = 8 then a = ?


Roots and exponents have the following properties:


  • x6 = (x3) (x3) = x3+3 
  • x6 = (x2) (x2) (x2) = x2+2+2 
  • (xy)4 = x4 y4
  • x7 / x2 = x7-2 = x5


When two terms with exponents and a common variable are multiplied, we add the exponents. When such terms are divided, we subtract the "bottom" exponent from the "top" one.

Four is the highest root / exponent we will deal with in this class.


  1. x5 = (x3)(?)
  2. x3y3 = (xy)?
  3. x2 / y2 = (x / y)?
  4. x5 / x2 = ?


Problem: Write the expression for s is f = n / s2

Solve the expression you derived numerically for f =7 and n=63.




Updated 8/16/99
By James E. Heath
Copyright Ó 1999 Austin Community College