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Flash 1 - Beginning

Class ends Sunday June 29, at 5pm


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Using Video in Flash

You can either embed video (in QuickTime, MPEG-1, or DV format), or link to it (in FLV format). Linking to video is preferable, since linked video streams, does not increase the size of your SWF, and can easily be changed programatically (think of a TV application where the user can change channels, but the player interface remains fixed)

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

Get Adobe Flash player

To create a video player like that above:

  1. Download the sample file (2.4mb).
  2. Start a new Flash file and save it to the same location the downloaded FLV file was saved to.
  3. Choose FILE > Import > Import to Stage... and target the bakesale.flv file you downloaded.
  4. In the Import Video dialog, leave the default "Load external video with Playback Component" choice selected and click "Continue"
  5. CS6 users: Leave the default skin selected (the skin sets the video controls that show, and determines of they overlap the video, or display below it).
    CC users: select the second skin from the list (MinimalFlatCustomColorAll).
  6. Choose a grey color for the skin, with a low alpha setting (this allows the video to show through the skin).
  7. Click "Continue" and then "Finish".
  8. Test the movie.
  9. You can change settings (such as the skin, and whether the video auto-starts) using the Properties panel (Be sure to first select the video instance).

The skin is saved as a separate SWF file in the same location as your FLA; when putting video online, be sure to upload all three pieces: your SWF, the skin.SWF, and the FLV file.