Disciplinary Penalties Under the Student Standards of Conduct
The general disciplinary action for student violations of the student standards of conduct are outlined in the ACC catalog and Section 4C of the Student Standards of Conduct and Disciplinary Process in the ACC Student Handbook. In cases of student violations of the Drug and Alcohol Free Campus policy, the deans of student services have the authority to issue sanction(s) including, but not limited to, the following:
- Written reprimand
- Loss of privileges/access
- Removal from a course
- Warning
- Suspension
- Expulsion
Certain violations of student and employee standards of conduct may require referral for criminal and legal prosecution.
Visitors: In cases of visitor violations of the Drug and Alcohol Free Campus policy, the ACC District Police Department and the Human Resources Department, have the authority to pursue criminal sanctions in accordance with state and federal law. These sanctions are described in Federal, State, and Local Penalties – Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program.