Video Phone Directory

All phone numbers can be dialed directly by voice lines. Calls will be directed through the relay service or by video phones that will connect directly.

Contact Person Title Campus/Room Number Phone Number Video Phones Local/Toll-Free
(512) 223. numbers are voice only
Rio Grande Adjunct Faculty Office Various Adjunct Faculty RGC 3150.0 (512) 410.1884
ASLIT Interpreter Office Various Interprters for the ASL Interpreter Training Program RGC 3164 (512) 223.3205
(512) 410.6539
Charles Lombardi Senior Computer Lab Support Technician RVS 106 (512) 410.6563
Erika Domati-Thomas Professor Associate (ESOL) RVS 2236 (512) 223.6316
(512) 410.6547
Patti Singleton Professor (Student Development) Counselor RVS 8116 (512) 223.6262
(512) 410.1604
Sean Loraas Accommodations Assistant RVS 9107 (512) 223.6034
(512) 410.1507
John Aintablian Interpreter Services Supervisor RVS 9153 (512) 223.6151
(512) 410.6548
Adjunct Faculty ESOL Adjunct Faculty RVS 400 Annex (512) 428.8606
Riverside Interpreter Office Hourly and Staff Interpreters RVS 9152 (512) 223.6398
(512) 410.1603
Arlene Gunderson Director, Gallaudet University Regional Center (GURC), Southwest Region RVS A 1143 (512) 410.7071
Tamera Suiter-Ocuto Coordinator (GURC), Southwest Region RVS 1144 (512) 410.1602
Elizabeth Garza Administrative Assistant (GURC), Southwest Region RVS 1136 (512) 223.6373
(512) 410.6493

Public Video Phones for the Community, Faculty, Staff and Students

Campus Location
Cypress Creek Campus Hall, 2000 Building Outside the Learning Lab
Northridge Campus NRG OSD Hall Outside Room 1111
Rio Grande Campus Inside the OSD office Annex, Room 150
Riverside Campus RVS Building G Lobby
South Austin Campus 1st Floor Student Lounge
Round Rock Campus Lobby, 2000 Bldg Next to Campus Police office