Exercise Guide


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Rowing Ergometer

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figure 1

figure 2

Use of the Rowing Ergometer:

1. Place your feet on the foot-plates and strape them in securely. Grasp the handles with both hands equally.
[figure 1]

2. Extend your legs fully without hyper-extending your knees

  • Continue to hold handles securely.
  • Become familiar with the function by using the legs only to push back and not using your arms to pull back initially.
  • Recover forward, flexing the knees, hips and ankles.
  • Choose a pace suited to your ability. Set a pace you can continue throughout the 10+ minutes you are on the equipment.

3. Begin to use your arms once you have accomplished a fluid function of the legs.

  • Extend your legs fully, then pull back to touch the mid portion of your abdomen. [figure 2]
  • Lean back only slightly as you pull handles and extend your legs.

4. Drop the hands in a U-motion to recover with the legs forward, knees flexing.

All of this should take place in a smooth motion during each row.

5. Continue your exercise at an even pace for the length of time you set.

6. At the end of your routine:

  • Flex the knees, hips and ankles to return the handle to the starting position.
  • Do not release the handle without placing it back in its carriage. Releasing it in this manner may tangle the cord and cause damage to the machine.

Time, distance, workload and strokes per minute will appear on the instrument pad during your routine. This will automatically clear itself once the wheel motion stops.

This training can be used for:

  • A Warm-up Activity
  • Cardiovascular Training
  • Lower Body Workout